Yoda/Leia Boushh Special

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Derived from
Yoda/Leia - Atlanta Regional 1st Place Artificery.com 75 53 18 1.0

Destry210 732

My version of this duo that can measure up against any deck. Stealing resources, disrupting resources, special chaining, this deck has won many times.

Against mill, you have enough upgrades to play one each round.

With Force Wave and Cunning in play, you can do a lot of damages with special chaining starting from Yoda - Wizened Master. Handcrafted Light Bow special remove shields before doing damages. Treasured Lightsaber special can do unblockable damage. Bait and Switch being my favorite card, can turn a die showing a resource on it's special.

My 5 villain cards are: Salvage Stand, Backup Muscle and Bait and Switch. Because Leia Organa - Boushh needs to spot a villain card in play to steal 2 resources with her special or do 2 damage to each opponent's character, these 4 villain support were needed.

3 个回复

Raspujuan 397

I think you need also to think about the evolution of the game: substituting yoda and Leia with supports could be a good strategy to control the game. R2d2 and for example obiwan saber to focus and create damage for Yoda also.

Destry210 732

@Raspujuan See my new deck list which is the result of many tournament. My deck is more oriented to do unblockable damage ignoring or removing shields by doing special chaining. Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber would be a great weapon to put one of but I don't own any. I had put Verpine Sniper Rifle instead.

Destry210 732

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