The Destiny Council 2811
This is the list Andrew took to a 1st place finish at Worlds!!!!!!
9 个回复 |
The finals was some of the best destiny I've ever seen. Congratulations. |
Great play on a great deck! Andrew is cold blooded. |
What cards do you feel were strong and what were the ones you would of changed after playing the games? |
I played against him in swiss, despite the win the Electro ripper was an inspired choice by him and was doing some crazy damage alongside the dagger. |
Congrats! Spicy Enfys Nest's Electroripper! |
Thanks guys! Had a great meeting and hanging out with you all. I'm already looking forward to next year. :)
An amazing deck! from an amazing player! World champ now! |
The deck flowed really well as I watch the game on stream. Andrew also piloted it to perfection. My main deck was about 2/3s the same so i have appropriated the remaining cards save one change. Thematically and practically I prefer Mr. Bones to the crait speeder. But all in all an excellent deck. |
Great deck