eLuke / Maz

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

DieselDM 1

Play fast, claim as often as possible to be using the heal off Otoh Gunga - Naboo and gain the resource from Outmaneuver.

If the opponent does claim, use the opportunity to put out Outmaneuver, Life Debt, anything you've been holding in order to claim.

All the dice are free to resolve, but hold resources for control cards to keep the opponent in check.

Main Mechanics

  1. Fast Hands and Force Speed on Luke
  2. Roll out Luke
  3. Use Fast Hands to resolve Force Speed special
  4. Use the 1st Force Speed action to activate Maz
  5. Maz then lets you resolve two dice, which hopefully is a focus on Maz to get 3Melee on Luke.
  6. Resolve a second die from Maz's ability (another focus or a resource, melee will be resolved next).
  7. Use the 2nd Force Speed action to resolve dice OR if you can cast My Ally Is The Force, cast it to resolve the 3 from step 5 and use the ambush off My Ally Is The Force to then resolve the 3 and all other dice.

Life Debt on Maz, use it to pull damage of Luke each turn, unless your opponent tries to kill Maz first which is fantastic and you can pitch Life Debt for re-rolls. Similar with Draw Attention, use it move the damage off whichever character you need to live. Generally moving damage off Luke, but if they are trying to kill Maz you could extend her life by giving some to Luke.

Lone Operative can be for Luke, or Maz if she's steadily pulling damage off Luke.

Makashi Training and Vibroknife work well on Maz, keeping Luke free for the blue-only abilities.

Cards To Swap Out

Lone Operative, Life Debt, and Outmaneuver are all swappable at this point, more testing still needed.

Initial testing

Went 3-0 in a local tournament. Faced QuiGon/Rey, Vader/Raider and ePalp.
