Cool Stuff Store Champ 1st Place

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moose4747 46

Went 10-3 overall and took first place in a 22-person store championship with this deck. Most of this is standard Kylo/Vader so I'll focus on a couple less popular choices.

Flank - I'm pretty confident in saying that I don't win the tournament without this card. Doubt was originally in this slot but I felt despite only having two characters Flank was the better choice for expected match-ups with Poe/Maz and Palpatine. Beyond those matches, it also proved invaluable against Mind Probe. I can recall 4 times throughout the day that I flanked away a Mind Probe special with a full hand. And not surprisingly the card was awesome against Palpatine.

Immobilize - Probably not a great choice. In 13 games I didn't play it once. I'd probably replace it with either Force Push or Force Choke. I was thinking the shields would come in handy, especially as a way to offset Vader's but I just never found a good time to play it.

I also never once played Anger or Force Speed. I can see Force Speed being useful in this deck but I just never saw it early and when I saw it mid-late game I wanted to stay on the offensive so I wasn't willing to waste an action playing it in the off chance I could recoup that action later in the round. Anger is great but it wasn't often that I had many upgrades out as I was letting my character dice do the heavy lifting so I never found myself with two blanks while holding this card.

I'll fill in some details later but for now these are the match-ups I faced throughout the day.

Round 1 - Count Dooku/Asajj Ventress - Won

Round 2 - Captain Phasma/Guavian Enforcer/First Order Stormtrooper - Won

Round 3 - Poe Dameron/Maz Kanata - Won

Round 4 - Poe Dameron/Maz Kanata - Won

Round 5 - Darth Vader/FN-2199 - Lost

Top 8 - Jyn Erso/Rebel Commando - Won (2-1)

Top 4 - Darth Vader/Kylo Ren - Won (2-1)

Finals - Palpatine - Won (2-0)
