What's Going On Buddy?

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Derived from
eHan/eSnap 2 2 4 2.0

Foz 1024

"What's going on buddy?"

"You're being put into carbon freeze."

Inspired by Brandonious' eHan/eSnap.

Synopsis and Thoughts on the Build

I built this list last night, only to find today that Brandonious had posted a list. Given the 3 main possibilities for this deck (Poe, Baze, Han) I think Poe is the weakest of the 3 because he has a special that is almost entirely wasted in this deck. Baze makes a strong case however; Wingman is great, and you need 2 characters with red dice to run It's a Trap! which are both powerful. Yellow will have to bring a lot to the table to compete with that, so here is my attempt.

My list is substantially different from Brandonious' list, and has these changes:

The 2 slots I have Bombing Run in are flex spots, open to whatever you think you need. My top picks for that slot are:

I'm trying out Bombing Run because I feel like the deck needed more 0-cost events. It's hard to pick between that and Collateral Damage which both seem like solid choices. New Orders might be worth running, though honestly the avg roll of 5 for choice should mean this deck is great at winning the roll and getting its battlefield. Still, getting decks off of Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II could be important; Poe for instance will certainly be willing to spend 1 to throw something by claiming.

Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin is here because Snap's whole point is to mess with claiming, so you want there to be as much incentive as possible for your opponent to throw away resources to claim, and to fight the uphill battle to do so. At the same time, if they give up on fighting to claim, you get the best benefit possible out of the battlefield, which cripples several prominent decks including Poe and Palpatine. It's certainly not great to lose Han dice if your opponent is able to claim, but the claim barrier provided by Snap should keep you claiming Carbon-freezing Chamber far more than your opponents.

Other Card Thoughts

Shoot First might be worth a look since it has Ambush and an interesting removal effect. It's pretty narrow though, and a bit fiddly to use due to timing. I'd probably play other removal instead.

Negotiate is fairly solid, but the deck feels resource-heavy already so I opted to leave it out. In this Force Speed / Fast Hands meta, your opponent might not even end up in a position where he has two dice you really want to remove. It is pretty great vs decks without Fast Hands though so I'm still entertaining trying to fit it into the build.

Jetpack and Second Chance are potential inclusions as well, but I am not sure space can be found to fit them in; they're probably not as good as all the upgrades already in the list.

11 个回复

Hartmanator 28

Looks like a strong deck. My only thing is if you go against with Vibroknife Han's extra shields don't help. So I would have at least 1 Disarm. 2 would be better.

Brandonious 222

I'm sooooo glad someone else was thinking what I was thinking. I thought the idea might have been a bit too far fetched.

This is where I ended up by the way... swdestinydb.com

Thanks for the shout-out!

Foz 1024

Sure thing!

So as I posted on Brandonious' list, there is potential for Fast Hands to play a variety of potential roles in this deck. Theoretically I prefer it on Snap since he has more , and 1st action is really good. The issue is a bunch of cards in the deck are also trying to use his dice for other things. Cards like Bombing Run, Loth-Cat and Mouse, and Negotiate are directly competing with Fast Hands for the one Snap die that you don't leave in the pool until you claim. The way I see it, there are a number of ways to potentially resolve it, and they result in Fast Hands being used entirely differently in the deck.

The first is to simply put Fast Hands onto Han instead. He does have 2, and can certainly make use of Fast Hands to help protect his damage rolls. Simple and effective, this will largely operate like Fast Hands Vader would.

Another option is to try to tailor the cards around not using up Snap's dice so he can use Fast Hands effectively. This would require using unusual things like Let The Wookiee Win and Rebel Assault. There are a number of potential choices, but they lack the general versatility of Loth-Cat and Mouse and Negotiate. Bombing Run would certainly be gone in this variation since it also competes for Snap's dice.

A more palatable option is to try to balance the two concepts. The idea here would be to put Fast Hands onto Snap, but mostly use it for , leaving other rolls behind when advantageous to do so. You lose some of the effect of Fast Hands, but can play the best removal cards that rely on Snap's dice. Essentially this puts the tactical decision whether to Fast Hands onto the player, who then must weigh whether the die is better to resolve or better used for a card play.

I had also mentioned Infamous and Swiftness in the other thread to potentially use up Snap's last die that you've been keeping in the pool, since you would need ambush in order to claim directly afterwards. After thinking about this,however, I feel it will not often work; usually when you are claiming, your opponent will not have many dice left that are worth removing. The benefit is not likely enough to warrant playing these cards.

My current inclination is to simply put Fast Hands onto Han since it seems solid on him anyway, and the suite of cards that currently use Snap's dice actually seem quite good.

Foz 1024

Checking in with Brandonious' v3.0 list. My list has these differences:

I feel like Dug in and Electroshock are practically automatics in this deck; the one because you claim a lot so it can easily be played, the other because it's the best in-color removal card. I play Loth over Negotiate because it's cheaper. Disarm is a card I definitely want to make space for. I feel the curve is about right, so I should probably cut a 1-cost card to do so. Hold On! could be better than I'm giving it credit for, fills same role as Guerrilla Warfare (both 0 and ambush). Negotiate is better in some matches,worse in others. I dislike that it gives opponent choice and will likely keep Electroshock over it. I wanted to like Planned Explosion but with Fast Hands and various cards that use up Snap's dice, I doubt you'll end up with 10 showing much of the time, and if so it's almost certain your opponent will remove something to wreck it anyway.

Foz 1024

@Hartmanator I do agree that Disarm would be good. It troubleshoots a number of annoying upgrades. I'm also looking at Confidence which can clear the Vibro die before the bulk of the damage, and also can force decks to resolve sides they just don't want.

Brandonious 222


I definitely have Dug in/Electroshock sitting on my "sidebar" if you will. I know those cards a top shelf.

Electroshock is a spot yellow card, and I have a fear that the first time Han goes down really early, that card is just going to be in the way. I know that blending these two characters together is a little on the "whaaaaat?..." side, so I wanted to try and keep the deck running clean, no matter who is alive. This is a hard choice, and I'm sure before a Store Championship I'm going to swap electroshock back into the deck. It's just that good. Hell, I might even swap Baze back in...lol

Anyway, Dug in is the card I decided to pitch for Disarm. The cost was similar, and I truly hope that my ambush cards cover majority of the shields I'll need in a match. And I could think of a Vibroknife situation where disarm could come in handy. Plus, sometimes, Han ends a couple of rounds with a resource 3 side. Disarm can do wonders there.

Guerrilla Warfare I would love to fit into what I've got, but I'm choosing to use Bombing Run over it, because it does mass damage, and GW is a 1:1. After I made this decision, I then proceeded to argue the Ambush perk with myself, and I ended in a stale mate, and I don't talk about that card anymore.

I forgot Planned Explosion was in what I shared...that was swapped for Loth-Cat and Mouse

Foz 1024

@Brandonious Dug in / Hold On! are two sides of the same coin; ways to put onto Snap rather than Han who gets them easily. Given the latter moves them (and creates one from ambush) while the former creates 3, I felt Dug In had better value even at a cost of 1. It also remains playable when someone is dead, which Hold On does not. Still, ambush is a point in the other direction, so they're both probably viable.

I hear you about Guerrilla Warfare vs Bombing Run. This deck has too many potential cards where it's tough to determine a clear winner.

I still want Disarm and can't make myself cut something. Maybe the choice will be more obvious to me tomorrow.

Foz 1024

Looking at the list with fresh eyes today, my inclination is to cut one or both Planetary Uprising. We're trying to establish a claim lock, but given how good Carbon Freezing Chamber is, it might be too much to put all the eggs into that basket - opponent is very likely going to try to fight for Carbon because it's really damaging not to, which mitigates the value of Planetary Uprising if you don't always get the claim. It could be really good, but I think to make it good you basically have to pilot the entire deck around claiming and making absolutely sure that you can/do. Personally I prefer the option to let the opponent have the battlefield if he's going to waste tons of resources to fight for it, which is an option you don't really have if you already played a Planetary Uprising - at that point you have to try to claim to get value out of the 2 you paid for PU. Thoughts?

Brandonious 222

This was something I had given some thought to myself! I had mentioned to somebody, either on this website or reddit, that I was concerened my deck wasn't fast enough. It was the reason I tried to cram as many zero cost cards into my deck. I wanted to be able to play almost everything (given the situation), guaranteed, and keep up the race for the battlefield. Because you are 100% right! Once, Planetary Uprising comes out, YOU want to get your money's worth, and your OPPONENT doesn't want to take damage, so suddenly that one resource Snap makes you spend becomes a little more reasonable, and the tension tightens on that ONE strategy.

War-Torn Streets - Jedha was my original battlefield choice because, while it could still hurt me, I normally got the jump on an opponent in claiming. So I got to control resources during the turn, and since I was done before my opponent, I got to take maybe a card they wanted, or at least make their brains think of something other than the game for a second. (Art of War and all that....mwahahaha) Basically, it was just another means of disruption, and if I lost the race I wouldn't be docked too hard.

But I guess it'll boil down to personal play style? Do you care to play the battlefield strategy; meaning, claim every turn? Or do you value the use of other events? I have questioned myself about this a lot. Currently, I'm telling myself that I'm sticking to a more aggressive play style, and the combination of the disrupt from Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin/ Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist to shut someone down, and then of course throwing as much damage possible with little mitigation by utilizing Planetary Uprising / Fast Hands and all cards with ambush. Han's ambush ability doubled for an "on the fly" defense as well. (I also really wanted another sleeper hit like Planned Explosion / It's a Trap! but it's too gimmicky or situational and hard to make work.)

Brandonious 222

Separatist Base - Mustafar was also an option for the battlefield for even more damage!

Foz 1024

Another take on the deck could revolve around Rebel War Room - Yavin IV. It can be used to get free Han 3 sides, or to resolve whatever Snap's die is that you are keeping in the pool until claim. It's not likely to be one your opponent would fight for too hard, and gives some value to Snap's often dead 2nd die.

I agree that being hyper-aggressive on Carbon Chamber is one possibly build direction. Maybe that's the best direction, I really don't know. Personally I'm inclined not to sell out 100% on that strategy and instead give myself some cards with more flexibility / general utility. That could end up costly though if the battlefield slips through my fingers any substantial amount of the time, though.