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Mon Organa: Because focus sides are better than that Fish 41 32 6 1.0

GWItheUltimate 1

Here my version of eMon Mothma/eLeia. It's a pretty fast deck that rely on Mon Mothma refocus in order to do maximum damage every turn. As soon as you roll 1 refocus, you can push it into the other Mon Mothma dice for a 2 refocus and than change 2 more dices for Ranged Damage.

Hit and Run is already a good card but with Mon Mothma you have a free reroll AFTER you activated characters (or both characters with Wingman). If you combo it into All In, you can sneakly pop an enemy characters insanely fast.

The main flaws are 1) almost no removals and 2) Mon Mothma dice have no damage.

1) That's why after a lot of playtesting I prefer to use defensive events instead of offensive ones. You could think It's a Trap! is a no brainer but I found that I would't play it 9 games out of 10.. so I just get it out. Two interesting cards I use are Rebel Assault and Spirit of Rebellion. They don't seems like good cards at first but they're free and are usefull in a lot of matchup compared to It's a Trap!.

2) Since Mon Mothma has no damage, you have to rely on upgrade dices to finish the game when leia will die. That's why you LOVE the Rocket Launcher and A180 Blaster on Mon Mothma. Also rely on Planetary Uprising when there's only Mon left. I will probably play 2 Rocket Launcher since A180 aint that great actually.

What are you're toughts ?
