Lords of Crime (2nd Store Champs, 3-1)

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Derived from
Hungry Hungry Hippos 24 20 1 1.0

WhackedMaki 7

Decided to take a control deck to an SC in my area after getting my Phasma promo last week with PoeMaz. It ended up doing very well, with the only loss coming on the back of not getting Crime Lord special for 9 rolls in a row across 2 turns. Crime Lord went off 6 times across the four rounds of the tournament. Con Artist never did anything, I never put it down on anybody. I'd swap it for Cunning to have another dice that can be Crime Lord.

R1- ePhasma/Trooper/Guavian Between Confiscating weapons back to hand and hard locking resources, and Crime Lord killing Phasma and then Guavian, Jabba took 0 and Unkar lived at 1 by the time she was out of deck and Crime Lord was coming towards Trooper. Win by mill.

R2- eVader/Royal Guard Prized possession on a Vader die early meant I only needed 1 card of control a turn to keep the damage down. Overwrote Prized Possession to grab the other vader die once he rolled out later on. Crime Lord came out and ate Vader the next round when I rolled our 6 resources and Crime Lord special. Guard had no chance with both my characters still alive, and he joined Vader in slavery not long after.

R3- eChewy/eRey He started with Force Speed x2 into Vibro on Rey and hit Jabba for 6 before I could do anything about it. Crime Lord came down on Unkar, but across 2 turns of spending every resource I had rerolling the dice I never hit special, and ended up getting whittled down over the course of 4 more turns.

R4- eJabba/eUnkar He was a much more mill focused version, and Crime Lord hit fast and hard before he could get anywhere close to milling me out. Confiscation on Con Artist made the mill game real hard to do against me.

Only 12 people at the tournament, so there was no cut. The guy I played R3 was undefeated and took 1st at the tournament, and I got 2nd on strength of schedule between the two of us at 3-1. The amount of money this deck pulls in is unreal, and Crime Lord does heavy work. Any questions, feel free to ask.
