eHan/eMaz - Oh boy...

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Derived from

Sidehatch 48

This is my favorite deck to play right now. It features a lot of die manipulation and removal, and a lot of ways to 'fix' poor rolls with Han Solo - Scoundrel, which seem to happen more than they should. I have not played this in a tournament setting yet, but I have had really good success at my local gaming store against some tier 1-2 decks. The deck plays fast and aggressive.

Ideally, your first hand is going to contain an gun or two, Infamous, and/or a Second Chance. Second Chance is really what makes this deck viable in a competitive space against the high-damage Poe/Maz and 9's decks I've gone against. Playing Cheat to get another Second Chance out really feels like Cheating.

I currently play Jetpack instead of Bowcaster because I don't have one. I like the die on Bowcaster more, but the die removal and shields on Jetpack may be hard to forgo to help Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen stay in the game.

Let me know your thoughts.
