EAW Luke/ Rieekan Launch Bay w/ Guide

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Derived from
Dispatch War Rocket Ajax - Bring Back His Body 1 1 0 1.0

Moon Man 52

Look buddy, I know what you are thinking, "Launch Bay? Gross who the heck uses that thing? This kid is trash. Tier 10 deck. Why am I still reading this?" Those are all valid points, but let me explain some things to convince you otherwise. It's a real fun deck that does surprisingly well. It takes people by surprise and hits them hard if they don't catch on. Can it survive against the current meta that can deal 12 damage to you turn one to any of your characters? Um... well... maybe, if they go for General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind (which a lot of people do for some reason, I think its because he is elite), anyway if they do go for General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind first, then you are set. He is just there for the , , and to soak damage, then you sneak in with you're "I don't have to worry about him 1 die Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight." He is the MVP of the deck! He draws you're cards and when i mean draw, he DRAW'S! Point is you can ramp cards in you're hand fast, if you play you're cards right. Now I will go into some strategies that i have developed.

"16 cards in 1 turn"

16 Cards? Yes, that is right, you can draw more than half your deck in 1 turn, it will take a little bit of prep but you can do it! First you will need to have a couple things on the board such as 2 Fearless, 1 Tactical Aptitude, 2 Feint in you're hand and 1 Leadership plus 3 . You start the play by feinting Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight which triggers the 2 fearless and tactical apt which lets you draw 4 cards; 2 for fearless, 1 for apt, and 1 for Luke's ability. Take away his die to ready him again, then feint for a second time now you have drawn 8 cards and put back 2 for tactical apt. Take away his die and ready him again, but this time activate him normally and draw another 4 cards and put 1 back for tact. You have now drawn 12 cards, finally you can leadership Rieekan and ready Luke one more time and activate him for a grand total of 16 cards drawn. Surely by then you would have drawn what you need to pull off some launch bay plays!

"Launch Bay for free"

Yep, you can play launch bay for free. How? Easy, just use 2 copy's of Premonitions and have launch bay in your hand to play it for free! Another way is to Force Vision into an Our Only Hope play, (this way costs 2 but it is a lot cheaper than 5).

"Delete the Enemy Team"

How you ask? Couple ways to pull this one off. First, roll the side of the die on Launch Bay and Salvo it next turn for big boy damage. Second, if you blank out on launch bay don't freak out, roll out Luke's die and make sure to have C-3PO on the field and roll out his die. If you happen to blank out on 3p0's die and roll a symbol on Luke's just remove 3p0's die and focus Luke's and resolve it to show ranged damage on launch bay then salvo. lots of ways to kill the opposing characters just make sure to have a big enough hand to salvo delete them in one fell swoop!

So why Docking Bay - Finalizer? Glad you asked, there are a lot of cards that can discard supports now, so you will thank me later when that AT-ST rolls its special and discards your launch bay, plus it helps you get launch bay out if you need it for one less in you're hand or when you need to play it from you're discard pile. I used to play Maz's Castle - Takodana but I find this one more useful. Anyways you can make some crazy plays with this deck and overall it is a blast to play. I really hope you guys enjoy what i have put together here and encourage you to customize and tweak it yourselves, any feedback or comments are highly suggested. Again, thank you and have fun trying this one out.

19 个回复

tunewalker 74

hey so a question on a few cards that were not included that I think you MIGHT be able to drop Trust your instincts for.... T-47 Air speeder it has 2 2 damage sides AND it's special allows you to draw 2 cards :). Also instead of Promotion have you thought about Journal's of ben since you can theoretically gain more cards then just returning 1. Just some thoughts.

Moon Man 52

Hey @tunewalker thanks for the feedback! I will definetly test out airspeeder, and old bens journal. I use to run journal but i thought it was a little slow but drawing a card is vital, and with General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind i could use his to hit the on snowspeeder.

RadioactiveHardin 1

This is a really cool idea, looks fun to play.

Moon Man 52

Thanks @RadioactiveHardin

CharlieWonka 284

Hi, great deck and I was thinking of building similar using Luke to draw in this fashion and wanted to pair with red so you can Lead by Example onto General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind to Hit and Run activating the Launch Bay and resolving before it can be mitigated. Just wondered if you'd thought or tried using these. Do you ever get stuck for resources? I was thinking Chance Cube for resources earlier game as can focus into the 3 resource and later not pay for it and move it back to hand to increase the Launch Bay or do you think Rend will be too popular?

Moon Man 52

Hi @CharlieWonka thanks for the comment! Anyways i have tried lead by example and i do like it but the problem is that General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind dies to fast for me to really put any upgrades onto him. Ive swapped out Trust Your Instincts with Tech Team and it really helps with the resource crunch, i could get launch bay at for 2 reaources if i have 2 tech teams out and i claim. Also i took out Promotion and replaced it with T-47 Airspeeder and it has been working wonders for this deck. I always keep tweaking and testing and might post an updated version soon!

CharlieWonka 284

Thanks @Moon Man. I also wonder about mitigation or is it the combo works and I win or I die type of deck. I was thinking of dropping guard in there as I can see not needing the Luke damage sides for the win.

Moon Man 52

@CharlieWonka the deck is very high risk high reward, which i enjoy a lot. About guard, the only reason i had it in the deck was survivabilty but really you dont need it if you are going all in on the combo, so i dropped it.

CharlieWonka 284

I'll let you know how I get on but thanks for the insights.

Moon Man 52

Yeah np @CharlieWonka as i said before i will get around posting a revised version this week

JT-Money 677

how do you deal with taking a deflect for 8 damage lol?

Moon Man 52

Its a bad time @justrick

CharlieWonka 284

Okay my deck using these two characters and the same tactic is finally up. Will be playing it at a tourney tomorrow and hope it does ok. I've added a bit more mitigation and some money dice along with Journals of Ben Kenobi for additional draw.

CharlieWonka 284

Such a blast playing my version at tonight's tournament. It went 3-1 and was a blast to play. Had people guessing what I could possibly do with this character combo. It took on eThrawn/eUnkar and Lost eMothma/2 Guns and Won eCad/ePhasma and Won (very close) Hera/3 Rookies and Won Thanks for the inspiration

Moon Man 52

AWESOME!!! @CharlieWonka Glad you had fun playing the deck! It is such a rush hitting people off guard with this deck and you proved that it can compete against some top meta decks. Im still working and tweaking it so i can post an updated version soon. Would you mind telling me what you took out and added so that i can play test it myself? Again glad you enjoyed playing the deck, it always makes me happy when people tell me there experiences and share their comments about the deck.

CharlieWonka 284


My deck is there. Don't have any feints and only got one partnership. I found Determination the most useful card. Swap a shield dice for some resources or even 3 with Luke. Best play was Partnershipwith [General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind] and the Launch Bay(/card/03024) pay 1 for another action and Determination whatever the Launch Bay was to damage.

Moon Man 52

Nice @CharlieWonka. Determination, Rearguard, and Your Eyes Can Deceive You are all great cards that i have play tested before and i do like them. Nice reference btw.

CharlieWonka 284

Card I really missed from your list was Premonitions. Only have 1 it seems. Second on its way. Resources were quite tight at times.

And credit where credits due. Without watching your game with Sir Christopher I doubt I would have come up with this character pairing to try

Toeko 72

This is amazing, I am running a deck of a similar idea of massive launch bay damage. But I do not use Luke, I'm using Lando as the base and then I'm testing between Lando/Snap/ Jedi Instructor and eLando/ 2 Rookies. So far it is a lot of fun, but I haven't had serious games yet. Hopefully I will have a tournament tomorrow.