Bossk and crew

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Derived from
Captain Booper 1 0 1 1.0

Brandonious 222

BAZINE NETAL What a WILD CARD!!!!! Her with Fast Hands is a ton of fun to watch. Just roll something, and compare with whats in hand to adjust to the situation. The 2 for a side is a great example. If you have anarchy in hand at that point, two to each character, BOOM. Done. For two damage, at least, and IF you can pay, haha! The upgrade Deadly I picked almost exclusively for her, but with how most of my games have played out - Fast Hands was an adequate choice. Surprising

Bala's die is stand out here. The shines when it needs to. I also found myself taking the resource and shield sides a bit more than I had anticipated. Plus, reactivating is always cool.

Nothing really wrong with Bossk - Wookiee Slayer either! His non-damage sides pair with Bazine, and the damage sides to Bala. 3/1 kind of sucks, but....he only costs 15 points for an elite. I've also got him and IG-88 - Assassin Droid paired for a future build. Yellow rules this game. Anyway, ...

The way the damage moves all over the board state is really fun AND genereates a lot of anxiety. Its fun for everyone with Main Plaza - Vashka in the game!

Relentless Pursuit / Threaten / Bazine Netal / Bossk / V10 Mortar Gun / Cunning

All of those cards are here to mess with damage on the board. Clean the damage off of someone, then splash them with the fresh 3 from Bazine. Hit everyone with the Relby-V10 Mortar Gun, start moving damage over and take a character out. The only down side to this "moving damage" gig is that turns are still limited in the world of Destiny. Tiered aggro decks throw damage out like crazy, so you might only get 2-4 turns with Bossk, which means you've only got 2-4 points to move around with him before he's gone.

Like I said in the beginning, this isn't quite there yet. I've got some nit-picking to do, as well as add more removal. But I like it!!!

2 个回复

chaseinvaders 1

i don't think you understand battle rage quite right. to spot a character, YOU have to control them. so you can't use battle rage to resolve an enemy's dice.

Brandonious 222
