This Party's Over

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BigMac826 7


One of the key plays of the deck, and something to mulligan for, is Reaping The Crystal a Lightsaber onto Padawan. When combined with It Binds All Things, the first upgrade on Padawan can be a free 3 drop. Lightsaber Pull can help set this play up. I prefer to pull Rey's Lightsaber, or Ancient Lightsaber if I'm not holding Reaping The Crystal.


Usually you want to take your opponent's battlefield for the shields. I like that Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine can add some extra protection for Mace or the Padawan. And if your opponent claims, the shields can't save their blue characters from Vibroknife or Mace's action ability.


Caution, Destiny, and Guard all help maintain action efficiency, without straining the bank. Blue Hero can easily roll poop 4 times in a single round. Sometimes you need to push the damage through, but many other times its simply better to scrap a die or two for a powerful 0 cost event and move on. The dream is to Destiny a Master of the Council using Mace's 4 pay side when you couldn't resolve otherwise. We'll see.

Overconfidence can be played without needing to roll in first, works against all types of damage, is especially effective at removing specials, and manipulates two dice. I love it. But it can, and will burn you at some point. Too versatile for me to not play it, but definitely a flex spot of the deck.

Endurance isn't as good here as it is with Palp, but might be a necessary evil. I like that it can setup ability kills and is grey (Never tell me the odds Kylo players). I don't like that it conflicts with Mace's pay side. This is another flex spot.


I like to play Force Speed on the Padawan to potentially action cheat out Mace for some damage or an ability kill.

Ancient Lightsaber is an all star here. Combine with Force Illusion, Rejuvenate, and Caution to keep Mace looking beefy.

Don't forget Force Illusion can be played for free by exhausting It Binds All Things. That's something I miss all the time.
