Sabine beatdown

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

Jawn2Pawn 43

I'll explain the card choices real quick


-8 ambushers are there to combo with Sabine ability to allow you to roll out and resolve all your dice uninterrupted.

-Thermal Paint & Thermal Detonator are there to bring back with Sabine and overlay with the other cards. They act as cool little money makers as you bring em out cheap and turn em into real heavy hitters.

-Second Chance is the biggest reason to have faith in the Sabine engine. Knowing you have a reusable get out of jail free card on your character who hits as hard and fast as a Darth Vader - Sith Lord with 2+ fast hands. It's also not uncommon to bring back thermal just so you can overlay with this.


-all the removal is pretty obvious since your a mono yellow deck you have to make do. Trickery is surprisingly srtong in this deck because you can wipe a lot of dice and still go off with Sabine. Negotiate is a must have in a world ruled by poe and herra.

-Smuggling is amazing in this deck because you don't -1 your handsize like you would in other decks and you often look for excuses to pitch cards in the yard to combo off with.

-Hyperspace Jump is clutch for both letting you have acess your location which is a combo with most cards in the deck. Hyper space also gives you a devastating late game where you roll out Sabine and resolve a ton of damage and then no matter what they do you end combat before you take a meaningful crack back. With even 1 Running Interference you can even control what they can do enough to mostly guarantee you won't be hurt.

-Scavenge mills and loops combo pieces and keeps the second chance live forever dream alive.

The devil

-Running Interference is a real back breaker in this deck. Ignoring the auto win lock you can do. With just 1 copy you can:

*Play an ambush weapon and shut off playing cards from hand. Roll out Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief and threaten to steal/disrupt money they can not spend now that they can't use their hand.

*play an ambush weapon and shut out hand with RI. Roll out Sabine and overlay ambush weapon with another bush weapon. Use your ambush action to reroll your dice into higher damage while your opponent can't touch em because their hand is frozen for a turn.

*roll out Sabine ambush to resolve damage and lock them out of rolling out with RI. Then Hyperspace Jump to keep initiative and do it again.

*prevent them from resolving damage late game forcing most likely a reroll or a pass or enough time for you to mitigate it.