Naturally Veers

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
Expert Pilots 0 0 0 1.0

Zerru 8

Have not play tested much, but the idea is mulligan to have at least one of the at-dp's or tie's. get it out quick then using veers and commanding presence to resolve for as much damage as you can. If you can get ahead economically, this deck can do some very fun things. and there are plenty of ways to get caught up again.

Action Economy. Lead by Example, Deploy Squad, Imp Backing, Partnership,Tactical Mastery, Natural Pilot(more actions)

Supply Economy. Commanding Presence, IMP HQ, Tech Team, IMP Backing, Imp War Machine, Logistics, Prepare for war.

Self dice control. Veers, Tie Pilots, Commanding Presence, Lead by example, Natural pilot, IMP war machine

AT-DP and AT-ST -> anti support.

Tie fighter -> no shields

Problems here would be low defensive options, lots of + ranged, if behind economically can end up with a hand full of rerolls.
