Thrawnkar - To defeat an enemy, you must know them. (+Guide)

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F3isty g0at 14


First off this deck has gone through 20 different revisions and I have been playing it on and off for the last month or so. Also note that there are a lot of ways to play Thrawnkar, I opted for the Control/Choke/Mill version as I am particularly fond of Control Decks. The versatility of this deck is something to be feared. Right now this deck is so tight and streamlined, I am not sure what I would be willing to give up for things in the current card pool. The whole objective of this deck is to make lots of with your character dice, Hound's Tooth and Chance Cube. Then control and choke out your opponent with your removal and . All while they still have to deal with Mill from Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer and Thrawn - Master Strategist abilities plus Buy Out and Interrogation Droid. So let’s get into the card choices and talk about what you might be looking for in terms of mulligan’s depending on your match up.


So for the battlefield I opted for Medical Center - Kaliida Shoals. I did have Otoh Gunga - Naboo but I felt like if I was close to dying that being able to heal 1 damage off each character versus one character would be the ideal situation. So far I have rarely needed to use it because of the various ways you can mitigate damage in this deck. Both of these are great as if you get to pick the battlefield, this helps you if you need to claim and heal to stay alive but since you won’t be doing any damage giving them shields and this battlefield does nothing for them. Cards that will help you stay alive Armor Plating and Personal Shield. These are used to mitigate damage if you are not able to execute your removal cards because of the action cheating that some character setups have. Removal cards are pretty self explanatory. You want to use them when you can remove damage or plays that will benefit your enemy. Cards like Doubt are great tech against Vibroknife. You also have Detention Center, Electroshock, He Doesn't Like You, The Best Defense... and one copy of Block for damage and Dodge for damage.

Confiscation is amazing in this deck as well, you can bounce back an upgrade after they spend all their money to play it and then use Thrawn’s ability to discard it from their hand when you activate him. This is particularly useful against Vibroknife and Crime Lord and other pesky upgrades that might be giving you a problem. Imperial Inspection can also do this if the upgrade costs 2 or less and you roll a . Chance Cube and Hound's Tooth are great in this deck mainly because Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer and Thrawn - Master Strategist both have sides and it becomes significantly easier to get the sides you’re looking for which is usually the 4 for 2 on Hound's Tooth or the 3 side on Chance Cube. Armor Plating and Personal Shield will help you keep your characters alive longer. Interrogation Droid is great if you need to remove some final cards from your opponent's hand. Typically you will be able to eat cards fairly easily with Unkar and Thrawn’s ability plus Friends in Low Places.

Prized Possession and Crime Lord are great ways to hurt your opponent significantly. If I have Prized Possession in my hand and I have the resources, I will almost always play it. Crime Lord is great because if you can get rid of removal from their hand, they will have a hard time removing your Crime Lord die and making 5 resources is easy to get with just 2 dice if you have Chance Cube out. Lastly the ultimate card in this deck is Buy Out. This card is probably the MVP of this deck. I unusually get at a minimum 10 cards off the top of their deck if played as that is 1/3 of their deck gone with one play.

Match ups

Aggro - In aggro match ups you are looking for removal and survivability. This deck has a lot of it. Cards like Doubt, Electroshock, He Doesn't Like You and The Best Defense... are all solid options. If you are going against ranged having Dodge or Personal Shield in your starting hand is also nice, same with melee having Block or Armor Plating works great too. Another thing to think about is you can always look for Confiscation as well. Having your opponent drop Vibroknife turn 1 and spending all their resources and then rolling out, gives you the opportunity to confiscate it back to hand and then use Thrawn's ability to remove it from their hand since they don’t have enough resources to re-play it. Imperial Inspection can also help with this if you get it in your starting hand.

Control - In control match ups where you are going against mill or choke, you are going to want to get Crime Lord and Prized Possession. Since they won’t really be doing damage and trying to mill you, you will want to get those out as soon as possible. They will have a hard time if you remove one of their stronger character dice plus they will have to save their removal for Crime Lord. I like to Friends in Low Places early and take removal out of the equation if I can. If they have multiple removal then use Thrawn’s ability to try and grab the other card before they can use it. That way you have a strong chance of killing one of their characters with Crime Lord.

Final Thoughts

Overall this deck is extremely tough to beat if played correctly. You have ways to know what’s in your opponent's hands. If not, guessing 0 or 1 is usually a good call as they most likely have one of those cost cards. If you love control decks, this is the deck for you as it’s ultimate control over your enemy to a point where it can seem unfair for them. I also recommend not playing this deck against new players as it may make them want to not play this game anymore. This deck is great to play but not very fun to play against. I want to thank my friends Mack and Ryan for helping me with suggestions and giving me some insight on some card changes. I hope you like this write up and enjoy the deck. I know I have been enjoying it :)

3 个回复

Ozmodon 1

Why do you not use Rend?

F3isty g0at 14

@Ozmodon I don't run rend because with imperial inspection plus confiscation, I don't really need it. While rend also removes zero cost supports, I have yet to deal with an issue of 0 cost supports causing me any problems.

vir0 13

And just like that this deck is no more!