Damage Control

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

superabsurd 354

The name of this deck is also the theme of the deck is also the point of the deck. Deal damage, control the gamestate.

Ideally our first hand will be two It Binds All Things, two Now I Am The Master and any dice removal/control. Those four cards will be our bread and butter. We want to roll out Asajj Ventress - Force Assassinas quick as possible, deal some damage, blank some dice then rinse and repeat with Servant of the Dark Side. Bazine Netal - Master Manipulator is there for her control sides. We want and for days. The occasional won't hurt, but if we don't get It Binds All Things our early we'll need every penny we have.

The more blanks we can force onto our opponents side of the table or the more dice we can remove as a whole the more likely they are to reroll which gives us more chances to discard an extra card from their hand.

Our ideal boardstate is as follows:

Asajj Ventress - Force Assassin should have a Now I Am The Master, either Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber or Kylo Ren's Lightsaber and an Ancient Lightsaber. We want to keep her alive as long as we can to keep the discards going. Once you use the Ancient Lightsaber, throw down the other one. Once that one is used up, Lightsaber Pull it back and use it again. Then again. Only once we've gotten all the use out of Ancient Lightsaber that we can should we then drop a Shoto Lightsaber onto her.

Servant of the Dark Side should be rolling with the other Now I Am The Master, whichever of the unique sabers we didn't put on Asajj and a Shoto Lightsaber for some free shields each turn.

Bazine Netal - Master Manipulator will be rolling with Vibroknife, and probably just Vibroknife. If someone dies early we can load her up with whatever we have leftover. Utilizing It Binds All Things should cut our equipment costs significantly enough that we'll be able to utilize Bazine Netal - Master Manipulator's shield side whenever it shows up, hopefully leading to a much longer life for our very HP light team.

Overall, the deck is a blast to play. Definitely different, and unaffected by the new rule changes as we aren't going to be overwriting very often if at all.
