The Bodyguards

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ttejuco 36

30 HP deck with lots of moving HP to keep Rey alive the whole game.

Life debt and Impersonate help move dmg from Rey to the wookies.

Fully load Rey with force powers and lightsabers, while the Wookies make money with datapad and move damage away from Rey with life debt.

This deck makes tons of money, has tons of staying power and usually wins the attrition battle over the course of the game.

Give it a shot

4 个回复

Ramin2-D2 550

I've ran this. you definitely want 2x Second Chance

ttejuco 36

@Ramin-2D2 you’re totally right. They are a must.

Have you had any success with Lone operative in there??

irisamelia 3

Going to play test this shortly with some changes. I'd consider the following—though I'm likely basing this off my experience playing Rey - Force Prodigy/Han Solo - Scoundrel extensively...

• Agreed re: (+)Second Chance
• (+)Shoto Lightsaber (shields)
• (+)Ancient Lightsaber (healing)
• (-)Running Interference (I'd just keep 1 if you really like it; otherwise, take a gander at It Binds All Things)
• (-)Force Push (not very synergistic to me; I'd rather event mitigation)
• (-)Overconfidence (for 1, just doesn't seem worth it)

MaineQat 1

Ran this with some changes:

Went up against a strong Qui-Gon Jinn - Ataru Master/Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi deck, only lost one Wookie.

I am considering dropping Journals of Ben Kenobi for Running Interference, and Overconfidence for Destiny