Rainbow Legion (3-0 at locals)

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Rainbow 7s (A Real Droid Exploit) 6 4 3 4.0

EdgySithLord 132

Hey all. Wanted to do a short write up on this deck. Its super fun, has great control, and can pump out some really consistent damage! Ill break down each match briefly.

Match 1: ESabine/EEzra -

I knew going into this match that the deck has quickly gained popularity and is very good currently. He played Never Tell Me the Odds with Port District early to deal 10 damage to the Gamorrean with Sabine and upgrades. I got Sabine down with a Gaffi Stick and Magnaguard before he killed Magnaguard with Ezra. I had Seventh left with 3 shields versus his 7 health Ezra. I ate through a second chance for the win as he ultimately could not roll the damage he needed and decked out.

Match 2: EJango/EPhasma -

I was not too sure how this match up was going to go. He started the game with 2 DH-17s on the board on Phasma and Jango. He also went for Gamorrean, quickly killing him off. I had a Gaffi Stick, Vibroknife, and Electrostaff on board at this point. I was able to finish off Phasma. Quickly after he killed Seventh Sister and it was Magnaguard vs. Jango with 3 shields and an armor plating. Jango already had 3 damage on him. He killed Magnaguard, but luckily I rolled +2 on the Vibro, +2 on the Gaffi, and +2 on the Electrostaff. I rerolled the magnaguard die for the win. This match was very close. If I hadnt Friends in Low Places in the last round, he would have had Doubt to play on the magna Die. Very good game!

Match 3: EBaze/EMaz -

This match was against my buddy who has perfected his Baze/Maz deck. He had unfortunately not been rolling well at all. This was apparent this game too. I started with a droid on seventh sister and was able to Feint her early. This led to Maz dying very quickly. With a combination of heavy removal and control, I was able to kill Baze and take the win. He did not roll well again, which hurt him badly.

Sorry this was kinda all over the place! Let me know what you all think! The deck is very inexpensive and surprised everyone there!


SillyJedi 477

7s is one of my favorite characters. I built a list before the erata using the same character choices to go with her. It was an all melee deck that pumped out money with cards like Truce and Enrage I sometimes powered out Z6s and Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber on turn 1 with truce. I played Imperial HQ because it basically made all your pay sides free. I have to revisit my list now that things are changed and i for sure do not want Vibroknife now. Glad to see you did well Im always pushing for 7s to be good!