Shield Bash

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

Finrii 7

Who Doesn't love throwing shields at people (Qui-Gon sure does). Qui-Gon is the figure head of the deck and is supported by Lando's rogue cards. The deck is simply apply shields and throw them, nothing less. Cards such as "Cheat", "Truce" and "unpredictable" are a few cards that help this deck out with recycling and resources. Cheat can be replaced by the force equivalent "Return Of The Jedi", "Hold on!" is used to move the shields from Qui-Gon to lando when he has the max amount of shields equiped. Earlier versions of this deck had lando taking hits for Qui-gon however this has been replaced by the healing of "Force Heal" and "Rejuvenate" aswell as the movement of the damage taken with "Inner Strength". The deck is fairly budget as every card is either uncommon or common except "Force Heal" which is rare and "Inner Strength" and "Rey's Lightsaber" which are both from the 2 player starter deck. "Obi-wan's Hut" also comes with the starter decks, Qui-Gon and Lando are both Rare cards.
