Jabba the Swift - "Look What You Made Me Dooku"

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Derived from

superabsurd 354

We don't like your stupid dice

We do not need to think twice

The cards you made us play

Salvage Stand, and, He Doesn't Like You

We don't like your damage dice

Trying to end our lives

So we mitigate a die or two

We'll Blackmail you, yeah He Doesn't Like You


Because we're smarter, Sound The Alarm'll have you seeing stars

Yeah, we don't need to Rise Again, because your dice are ours

We've got a list of names and your's is in red, underlined

We Count it once, then we Hutt Hutt hike, oh!


Ooh, look what you made me Dooku

Look what you made me Dooku

Look what you just made me Dooku

Look what you just made me

Ooh, look what you made me Dooku

Look what you made me Dooku

Look what you just made me Dooku

Look what you just made me Dooku

2 个回复

Admiral Raddus 16

Nice Deck!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Dave Sharona 601

Stop being so good at this