High Command

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from
Saw ackbar 0 0 0 1.0
eSaw/eAckbar 0 0 0 1.0
Sawckbar 0 0 0 1.0

Masume 1306

Who is in charge of this deck? Either one, take your pick! Saw hits the scene and smacks your opponent in the face with solid dice and a great ability. After checking him over I decided I really wanted to make him work...it didn't take long to see his special ability really complements Ackbar. Ackbars health might be lower but with Saw out they will ignore him until he becomes a real threat.

So how does it play? Chance Cube is almost a must first turn, but even more so is C-3PO. He gives us the sides we need whenever we need them. Maz's Goggles do not hurt either for consistency and getting rid of low cost junk from their hands for Saw to hit harder with his special. The events compliment controlling their hand, getting rid of events with Friends in Low Places and my favorite, Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder. It's great turn one in getting rid of any upgrades they might drop down.

The game takes thought to pilot...you'll find yourself switching between indirect damage and discarding them with Ackbar or C-3P0 changes. They will change their playstyle too so that Ackbar doesn't hit them and hold on to more cards, possibly forcing them to make bad plays. Second Chance keeps Saw alive long enough for Ackbar to load up with Arm Cannon or Thermals.

This is an awesome mix of hard hitting and control and takes thought to pilot. it's hard to beat already in this first version, so much so I think it will perform at Tourneys extremely well. There is some tweaking to be done with more testing though, Maz's Goggles are in debate for more firepower, like the E-11 Blaster.

Try it out and let me know what you think, but you'll be surprised how often the game ends and the two Commanders come walking away just fine. ;)

13 个回复

Nexashe 57

I'd add "Runaway Boomas" -- they can basically replace Saw after/if he goes down.

Masume 1306

@Nexashe I have been going back and forth on adding more damage to the deck, although a lot of it comes from the discard damage mechanic and Saw's. Runaway Boomas does sound like a good idea, or maybe an E-11 Blaster?

Nexashe 57

Well the booma's give you 2 dice per round (costing a resource)

Nexashe 57

This is my Saw deck, swdestinydb.com (just for the record i dont discard the thermal paint unless the character who has it is going down -- i just use them as an activation tax)

truth123 311

dude you should play Strike Team so that when you have Saw Gerrera - Extremist Leaders special showing discard thet card to do five damage!!!

cjnj193 265

How useful do you find Crackdown? Between Chance Cube and Truce and to an extent C-3PO and Maz's Goggles it looks like you have plenty of resource generation

Masume 1306

@truth123That's an interesting idea, I always forget Saw can use your own hand. I really use it also to mill their hand to trigger Ackbar's ability, but Strike Team could have merit.

@cjnj193I always get a resource off of it, but your right I do have a lot of generation. I am going try running this deck hard on TTS (Now that I learned it) and see what I need to trim. Right now Maz's Goggles could get tossed, I find them somewhat useful but overall not game changing. Crackdown could get the boot as well in favor of something more damage centric...likely Runaway Boomas or some redeploy blaster.

Scactha 888

I love Saw, but haven´t seen the cleverness of Ackbar as a partner until now. Very cool! Boomas seem to fit very well indeed. With Thermals on top you can just see Saw yelling "LIES! I´m gonna blow this! I´m telling you." Hilarious :)

GenghisDon 100

3P0 covers your lack of shield sides. You have 0 shields. Kind of scary. I would think that Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician would melt down instantly with no way to protect yourself other than dice mitigation. I think you have have to hard mulligan for 3P0 to start.

Masume 1306

@ScacthaThanks, glad you like it. It's great that it's both strong and has an awesome theme. ;)

@GenghisDon C-3p0 is definitely a hard mulligan for first turn, I put that in the description. He is a hero in this deck. However they tend to ignore Ackbar usually and focus on Saw, who gets by on Second Chances well enough. If there are any defense suggestions other than removal toss them up. I'm always revising. :D

dpuck1998 46

With red you have access to some great cards like Defensive Position and Dug in, but are you fast enough to get the battlefield.

Masume 1306

@dpuck1998 This is not a fast deck at all, I wouldn't gamble on it. Since there's plenty of removal in yellow anyways it's not necessary.

Sparetomato 1

Thoughts on squeezing a Planned Explosion in there?

When I saw Saw Gerrera - Extremist Leader I immediately wondered if he would be someone that could pull that off, as he could get half of the required total on his dice alone?

That Auto Cannon also packs some big numbers for the blowout, and there’s plenty of control for your own dice to get the numbers you need.

Also, when it does happen it is often a surprise as your opponent is looking at either non-damage sides, mixed damage or paid sides and not anticipating it.