50 Shades of Talzin

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Derived from
eBoba/eMother - consistant, expensive damage. 1 0 3 1.0

SillyJedi 477

So I've been kind of keeping this idea to my self for a while, but I think its time to submit my list. Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary is so underrated in this format. He has a great dice and a solid point cost. A lot of people think Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician is his best pairing and you just might be right. Let me just tell you this, I dont think so. Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch is an amazing character when built around so that's what we did. Shes so cheap costed but does so much for you. With this pairing you also get a plot so I went with Fortify to give Momma T a shield to start giving her 10 health.

This deck is what I feel right now is the best possible list. I have some flex spots in the deck right now which are taken up by Bait and Switch. I really like bait and switch because it lets you have some explosive turns but its downside in the deck is that its an even costed card. So when I was building it I told my self how many even cards do I want? I went with 6 which could be 4 if I were to change He Doesn't Like You to Spell of Removal. He doesn't like you is just to good of removal not to play. Now lets dive into the upgrade choices I made and why.

First and for most, Chance Cube is just THE NUTS with Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch. I get to get the 3 money right away and if not mitigated I'll get to play a powerful 3 drop weapon on Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary before he rolls out. So for the big guys. With Shields running New York right now in the meta I really like BD-1 Cutter Vibro-AX A LOT! It can cut through shields like butter and mother T can make it happen as well! I absolutely LOVE Vibroknucklers and they arent played enough. They have a good balance of hand control and damage so I chose to run 2 of them as well. Force Throw & Force Push are excellent upgrades for Talzin so that's why they are there. Im unsure if I want to play two Heirloom Lightsaber it might be a possible since they can redeploy from talzin when she dies. She sometimes is the target and does not have much health so it might be a good idea.

The bread and butter of this Talzin deck is obviously Witch Magick. A heal 3 in Villan is just super insane! So along with Talzins ability you get this card as well to keep your characters alive for a long time. I even thought about running one Cheat just to get them back but it is most likely to slow for the deck. That pretty much sums up the deck and the choices I made for the deck If you guys have any ideas on how to improve it, leave some feedback in the comments and i'll for sure get back to you guys. Thanks a lot!


Clintini 1

How’s this working for you. Really like your thinking on this deck.