Roger Roger

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jcstiggy 19

Alright folks, this is the real deal. People may laugh at battle droids, but going against this deck may make them think differently. I've fine tuned this over many games, and I think I've come up with the most optimal droid deck of the current card pool, and it works. You don't need to take my word for it, but I have beaten some top decks with this, including Obi/Maz (close), Yoda mill (not close), Mace/Padawan, Boba/Phasma, and many others. It's main weakness is heavy aggro decks for sure, and that pesky Kylo-2, but it still has a lot of damage to eat through. Anyways...

Right off the bat you may be puzzled at the inclusion of zero upgrades. It's self-explanatory why any non-redeploy weapon would not work, but I did try E-11 blaster and riot control baton for a bit. These can be could as they will never leave play, but I always found myself wanting to spend resources on more sure ways to generate damage through supports and events, so I ended up just cutting them entirely. If you must include one, E-11 would be it though.

For supports, early draws of key cards is what makes this deck shine, but also can be its major downfall. Essentially you want to draw aftermath and attrition as early as possible and get them into play. The point of the deck is that these guys are expendable, and having one or two of these supports out can be killer, especially attrition. If an opponent tries to distribute damage to avoid the card effect, they'll likely find themselves in a no-win scenario at late game when they finally decide its time to kill em' off. Aftermath is key for a very resource limited deck, as the droids have no resource side. Armored support is fantastic here. Each droid on its own is pretty weak with 2 blanks, but re-roll with support and you still have a 4/6 chance to hit a damage side. Combo with cover team and this is maximizing your damage output as much as possible and at a fairly low cost. Then we have ground battalion and LR1K Sonic Cannon. You may be able to get this in late game with aftermath, but at all cost you must mulligan hard to land either one of these AND imperial backing round 1 or 2. Ground battalion is key to gaining control of the battlefield with a deck that is quite variable in its speed. You could chain activate all your droids or none at all. Just depends. Gaining control is necessary for scorched earth, possibly one of the best new villain cards in the entire game in my opinion. This can be a game ending card if played right, and a great feeling when you know that all you need to win is for your opponent to roll their dice in.

In terms of other events, five characters allows for outnumber and flank, both of which are great cards that you'll likely never not be able to use. Doubt is doubt. Battle fatigue is an auto-include in any indirect focused deck, but not one that you will want at round one. Locked and loaded is a great focus card for those pesky blanks, which can easily turn 1-2 indirect damage into 5-6 with +2 modified sides. A particularly good play after an opponent claims and thinks you'll just re-roll. Tactical mastery is included just for your supports. You will probably only get 1-2 in play, and they are always the target of mitigation. Tactical mastery into a sonic canon activation can easily take out a character at mid-game. The one card I was very torn about including, but never tried was strength in numbers. While at first glance it seems perfect for this deck, we already have scorched earth for 2 resources in a constrained deck. Plus, it diminishes in value as the game goes on as your droids go down, when scorched earth stays about the same or increases as your opponent adds more dice.

And that's it. I welcome any critiques or suggestions.

5 个回复

Razelll 244

As you said this deck is fine tuned but what about Rally Aid or Tech Team for all the supports.

jcstiggy 19

Rally aid is hero. Tech team is likely a waste of space for only 4 high cost supports, two of which you can already pay for just 2 resources round 1 or 2.

jcstiggy 19

Tech team may help get look out post in with more ease, but without any other resource generation it’s not going to help with sonic cannon or ground battalion unless you don’t mitigate at all. You have to just mulligan hard for imperial backing, which certainly is one of the decks weak points, but I’d say early attrition’s, or setting up an armored support / cover team combo are also nearly as effective. So the deck has some flexibility there.

JBowser 57

You left out one of my favorite cards for my battle droid deck. I really like Strength in Numbers, especially if you can play it on turn 1 for 5 indirect damage.

jcstiggy 19

I mention it in the write up. I think it’s too high costed when you already have scorched earth, which is by far the better card. I don’t think there is room for both, unless you take out supports.