Lawful Pirates and Scruffy Looking Partnerships

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stranglebat 832

Deck in testing still but getting close to the final product. Managed a 4-0 night at my local casual Wednesday beating out Kylo2/Anakin, Aayla/rose/ezra, Mace/Rose and Finn2/Luke2

It has a lot of consistency, a lot of money and a lot of control. With some tools for taking apart some of the big hitters of the meta game. Law and Order makes mauls saber decks very sad. Nerf Herder is useful in a number of match ups.

Currently looking to squeeze in vandalize or another way to get rid of running interference.

3 个回复

Spartanlife74 1

I like the way this vehicle deck looks. I’ve been playing a similar line up, just using Maz instead of Ezra. Going to try this out for sure. Have you found what you would put in and take out for vandalize?

stranglebat 832

Yeah i have actually registered this list for TTS Top 64 with

+1 Vandalise -1 Strategic Planning.

Strat Plan was only really useful late and if i drew it early it tended to stifle my boardstate growth.

I also Initially had rose but found it made my Chute target harder to deal with and ezra has a wonderful interaction with Yoda that takes you from 2 to 5 money if they have a resource, plus a little bit more damage :)

Spartanlife74 1

Have to love those interactions! Thanks for this list and update, i can’t wait to try it. I wish you the best of luck in your event!