Adepticon Standard Galactic Qualifier 5-1 (9th overall) Obi-

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PrinceRobot 22

I've been playing Obi-Maz since Legacy release. I took a slightly different version to the Louisville Regional and went 6-2 (12th overall missing top 8 on SoS). I played around with the running interference build a bit but dropped it in favor of more control. You'll notice I'm only running one Force Illusion. I found that by the time I needed to play a second copy It would be too late in the game to rely on it due to low deck count. Heightened Awareness gave me the same damage buffer with the added bonus of ambush. I mulligan for Friends in Low places and a 2 cost upgrade. If you can catch them without a control card on turn 1 you can land 8 damage and set up a character kill on your second action turn 2 (activate Obi, activate Maz focus to a 3 resolve.) You'll want to keep a Vibroknife over the Ancient or Shoto if you can as it will prevent them from saving their character with a Force Illusion and if you can get that turn 2 kill you've all but won the match. I hold Hyperspace Jump for the inevitable round when I roll out Obi and his character dice get Easy Picked. Its better to just end the round there instead of letting them advance their board state by getting some damage in or playing an upgrade. Rend is in the deck because its just a necessity in the current meta. If you allow Sabine to have double RI then you will lose the turn she draws Never Tell Me The Odds.

Match Ups-I'll recap the best I can. I didn't take notes and after Standard/Trilogy/All Day Drop Pods my mind was beat.

Round 1- 5 Dice Villain 1-0 I don't remember much about this match. I played a lot of destiny this weekend. I killed Talzin on the top of 2 and it was over from there.

Round 2- Thrawn/Talzin 1-1 My only loss of the day was to an excellent Thrawn/Talzin pilot. I Friends in Low place on turn 1 to see he had a Rise Again and a Force Illusion in hand. Not wanting to tread water I decided to go after Thrawn. I took out Thrawn at the end of turn 2 but he had resolved Thrawns money sides both rounds and was able to get out a Rocket Launcher and some other upgrades on Talzin. I made the mistake of thinking 3 Steps Ahead was Spot Red and decided not to shield up Obi with Heightened Awareness as my first action and was promptly blown off the board with 3 Steps Ahead Rocket Launcher plus other guns. Ouch.

Round 3- Kylo/Grievous 2-1 I didn't see an upgrade early which dragged this match out 5 rounds. Luckily I have a fairly good mix of Blue and Yellow cards and Kylo missed on all 4 of his activations.

Round 4- Boba/Sister 3-1 I put 6 damage onto sister turn 1. Turn 2 I rolled out with 2 blanks on Obi. I activated Maz and hit 2 focus sides and turned both Obi dice to 3's. He played a Force Illusion but I had My Ally is the Force in hand and he couldn't deal with 9 damage at once.

Round 5- Thrawn/Talzin 4-1 I learned my lesson from Round 2 and decided to focus on Talzin. Unfortunately for him he rolled double resources on Thrawn as his first activation and my first action was to play Easy Pickings. Not being able to establish an economic advantage he fell behind on upgrades and I was able to kill Talzin fairly quickly. He was able to get a Riot Baton onto Thrawn but with no native damage on his dice he couldnt keep up with Obis damage output.

Round 5- Yoda/Hondo 5-1 I've practiced this match up a lot. I know there tends to be 10+ Spot Yellow cards in this deck and I went after Hondo out of the gate. I was able to take Hondo out before he was able to draw Second Chance at the end of turn 2. Yoda wasn't able to close it out on his own.

Adepticon was a blast. All of my opponent where incredibly friendly and made for some of the best games of Destiny I've played. Thanks for reading!
