Trilogy Phasma and the traitors

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Derived from

Solsticejf 156

This a fun Trilogy deck that takes advantage of the Rebel Traitor ability to force an opponent activation. You can play 2 different ways - If you have Vandalize in your hand, you can slow play and let your opponent put a weapon on and then double activate the traitors so it's still your turn and you can vandalize its weapon if wanted. You can also just start your round by activating 2 rebel traitor, meaning your opponent won't be able to place an upgrade before he actives. Very good when you have a removal in your hand. Armored support is great with the Fragmentation Grenade, allowing for an almost certain free dmg with a reroll with Armored Support , and if you want to resolve it, or any other indirect damage Cover Team is there to add 1 to its value.

Vibrocutlass are great mid to late game, when you can upgrade a weapon, and you don't have to pay its resource cost when on one of the traitors.

