Ghoulie_ 84
The plan of this deck is pretty simple: pool a bunch of resources and then dump them into Luke's power action. Doing a lot of damage to a specific target feels pretty good in this format, since it can pick off specific characters a bit faster when playing against 3 character decks.
Luke's power action is absurd in this format. 2 resources can net you 3 shields or up to 5 damage off the back of a Canto Bight Pistol or Heirloom Lightsaber. Really good for picking off a Yoda. However, this stopping power makes Luke more of a target.
Meanwhile, Han can hold his own as a threat with his ability to mitigate if needed, so he adds both some survivability and consistency. If you stack your redeploy upgrades on Luke before he inevitably bites the dust, Han can finish out the game with the other miscellaneous upgrades you stack on him in the early rounds.
This deck does some neat tricks, like using Impulsive to resolve a resource die and ambush into a power action, but it still needs some testing. And any recommendations are more than welcome of course :^)