Krennic’s Kanjiklub

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SaltyN7 7

So, I decided that because nobody plays Krennic, (I have literally never seen anyone play him ever) I wanted to build a deck with him. Also, just a note, I only used cards that I own. So, if you want to try the deck but think you have some better upgrades/removal, then by all means make some changes. (I know you will anyway ;) ha ha)

The deck is very simple in execution. Do damage! Ha ha! Ideally, you want to play Quick Draw into an ambush weapon on Director Krennic - Cruel but Brilliant, roll him in and resolve his dice. But, you can’t always do that ha ha! If you can draw commanding presence then play it immediately. Using it’s special to resolve Krennic’s focus as a 3 focus can really change a game. Also, with both characters having a focus side, the deck is surprisingly consistent.

Probes are there to try and remove your opponent’s removal cards, and there’s a few resource generation cards in there too like logistics and the battlefield itself. Krennic is quite good at the initial roll off for battlefield as he has a few 2 sides, you want the resource from outer rim smuggler so you can afford to play commanding presence, the day is ours and the more pricey removal cards in the deck.

It goes without saying that, with Krennic, you want be claiming the battlefield as much as possible so you can roll in the deathtrooper too. Hence The Day is Ours being in the deck. If your opponent looks likely to claim and you have the choice between playing an upgrade, or playing the day is ours to take back the battlefield, then play the day is ours. Keeping the death trooper die and activating first is more important (you can always play your upgrade as your first action in the next turn)

Now, your opponent will either target Krennic as they want to remove that deathtrooper die ASAP, or, they will go for Bala Tik as they’re scared of his ability. Both of these are fine, if Krennic dies first, his redeploy weapons go to Bala and he’s strong late game. If they go for Bala first, you have the potential to roll out 6 dice (including the deathtrooper) with Krennic late game.

While this won’t be a super competitive deck, I’ve found it very consistent in the games I’ve played. Being able to do 6-8 damage from Krennic in a turn easily. And of course, if Bala gets to reset then your opponent is in a world of hurt.

I have managed to beat an aggro Phasma/IG-88 deck that keeps recycling Thermal Detonators, a Yoda mill deck, a Zeb deck and also Sabine/Ezra. It will still crumble to the likes of qui gon/yoda and Boba/seventh sister. But, it’s actually very fun and more effective than you might think. Please, try a few games and see what you think. And let me know how they went too, I want to make the Krennic card actually playable! Ha ha!


Don Pedro X 52

Decent deck buddeh!!!