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Authorn 45

Set up with the cards that I have available to me. one of the New Orders and Rend will be taken out once I get two copies of Cunning. Let me know what you think!

4 个回复

Razelll 244

Easy Pickings is OP and you should play it if you have it.

Icezox 7

Same as Razell. I would take out honor guard since you don't use the Docking Bay - Finalizer And put two Easy Pickings# instead. I don't see the point of the Chance Cube, for the upgrades?

dpuck1998 46

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol is lights on in this deck with all the money and focus options it is killer. Really like Canto Bight Pistol as well to special chain.

Authorn 45

@Razelll I only have one copy, but ill see if i can slot it in, and @Icezox its to make sure that i have the money for upgrades and Hyperspace Jump when i need it. @dpuck1998 nice thoughts, I will probably slot those in