YodaZeb 4-0 Winner Trilogy Dicebox Brasília

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Derived from
YodaZeb 6-0 GQ Trilogy 18 13 0 1.0

corvopoe 22

As the Rivais collection has not yet been released in Brazil, I had to make some modifications on the deck for lack of Verpine Sniper Rifle and Hidden Motive

This deck won four games at the trilogy DICEBOX Brasília, Brazil, and it's very effective. My opponents, in order: eAayla/eRose/JarJar vehicles (Paula), eBoba/ePhasma (Armando), ePhasma/Talzin/Greedo (Fernando) and again ePhasma/Talzin/Greedo (Lucas).

Original credit go to evilporg

4 个回复

lengelmp 1152

why millennium falcon? Did you get good play out of it? the deck seems pretty expensive to run

corvopoe 22

The idea is to ramp weapons while controlling opponent's dice, occasionally rolling damage bursts with Zeb Orrelios - The Last Lasat. However it's somehow tricky to play when you need to prioritize resource and damage control with Yoda - Wizened Master. Zeb is usually the first target, and yoda in the "Brazilian" trilogy format without Rivals, does not usually have enough strength to win the match in late game, Millenium falcon usually comes after all the weapons are already put. In the last match I won in the tournament the MF was fundamental in finishing the last two characters of my opponent. Anyway, it is not easy and it is not always that it will come into play, but it can be very useful, I can not criticize who does not use it.

evilporg 95

It's a great deck, I won a GQ with a similar list: swdestinydb.com

corvopoe 22

Yes, It was inspired by your deck YodaZeb 6-0 GQ Trilogy, thanks a lot!!