Fast Vehicles - Complete

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Fast Vehicles - Complete 5 5 4 5.0
Fast Vehicles - Complete 2 1 1 7.0

Hessian Sack 1338

Another One! Still have revision to do, but oh well.

6 个回复

GregtheBiz 391

I would recommend Y-Wing. I feel like its the best hero vehicle there is, and its also Red.

Razelll 244

I agree with @dustin13862. I think Y-Wing is the best hero vehicle. Also, I think Rally Aid and/or Tech Team is needed here.

Hessian Sack 1338

Thanks @dustin13862 @Razelll I'm updating it now.

Ping23 27

Rally aid, tech team and Y-wing are good ones. I would also put in air speeders (for probably lookout posts). 4-5 more removal cards I think would be ideal, I always run 8. 3 is just too few if you're playing someone who is rolling hot. Suppression, and defensive stance are good!

Hessian Sack 1338

@Ping23 check out the 7.0

Hessian Sack 1338

@dustin13862 @Razelll @Ping23 I'll be publishing a new trilogy version in the next few days, in preparation for the new rotation coming late this year/early next year.