ASAJJ, New Dooku. First Draft. Comments/Suggestions Welcom

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FireandCheese 20

Working on this new deck to get Asajj back in the game. Basically use Dooku as a beat stick, use his ability/her ability to punsh rerolls. Idea is to use Torment for double resources combo with Enrage to ramp faster. Close Quarters Assault can kill their hand and make Asajj power even better. would be fine getting a CQA for even 2 cards opening hand.

Like the random factor on Battle of the Wills. I do not think any character has better die sides than dooku for this except Darth Vader and Sabine?? Figure since you are waiting on Dooku to activate maybe you can wait until their big rolls in and take out their smaller character. Not sure if this is worth it since they get to activate any character they want.

Cards considering: off the top off my head, but really looking for suggestions.
Something familiar: Extra Control

Consumed By The Dark Side: can make them reroll and trigger torment for money. Clash: double down on Dooku Force Strike? Mind Trick instead of Decisive Blow? Unyielding for the surprise unblockable to close games.

this is a thematic pair, but they do have synergy and god I want asajj to be playable. All advice or comments are welcome.
