Thawn Snoke Burst Vehicles

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Derived from
Thrawn Snoke 0 0 3 1.0

Palabrewtis 518

A WIP, but pretty fun deck in my testing so far. The idea is to utilize Snoke's power action ability on Thrawn's 2 die for 4. This gives you 6 round one. Enabling so much, most important of which is to drop big ships. There are a plethora of ways to ensure by round two you always have multiple large ships in play ready to crush your opponent. And you'll never be short on focus to ensure you're always doing the max potential damage. As with any Thrawn deck, using his ability is crucial to your success. You will need to know the inside and out of any opponent's deck to destroy their removal or interrupt their plans.

The Darth Vader's TIE Advanced is a powerhouse finishing move. I've been able to reliably off an opponent every round if I get it out with another large ship on the board. Most popular characters have less than 13HP. You simply need to get your opponent's best character to 5 or 6 damage on them and you can easily use action cheat cards to have an uninterrupted finishing move.

There is a massive amount of card draw in this deck. I do enjoy how quickly everything comes together in it. I have it to a point where I'm reliably getting at least 2 major ships by round two almost every game. There are other options in the game that you may find beneficial, but the list is pretty tight on removal, and I always find uses for my events. If you're finding yourself not drawing what you need still I suggest using Temptation in replace of Dark Counsel or possibly cut an action cheat card preferably Tactical Masterysince Thrawn - Master Strategist will likely be dead by round 3. But so should be their major character. And you will easily overwhelm what's left.

Salvo and Sudden Impact is god tier against any 3+ wide deck. Watch your opponent tremble before the wrath of resolving the 5 damage crushing blow against their whole team. Follow it up with 1 cost Sudden Impact removing the 7 to do 4 damage again to the whole team. Feels so good, and just one of these big hits makes the Darth Vader's TIE Advanced right at killing blow range vs most characters. Reconstruct is great as it enables you to use your force illusion then dig that AT-ST that got discarded right back out of the pile. I need to make a spot for it as a one of here. Possibly cutting one Art of War. There are however only 7 removal cards, but because of the amount of draw you should have no issue having at least one per round.

So go forth, destroy and conquer the Galaxy through strategic distruction of your opponent's removal through Thrawn - Master Strategist's amazing ability. Then bombard their planets with a barrage of hard hitting swings that leave them wondering why they didn't run Close Quarters Assault or Abandon All Hope. :-p

6 个回复

D4rthCaedus 243

I'm super curious why all the card draw - it seems I would rather put in more action cheating in the form of Tac Mastery, Force Speed etc or maybe a couple more removal... Looks like tons of fun I'm gonna try this tonight!

D4rthCaedus 243

Oh I also wanted to ask about Rise Again/Dark Ritual :)

Palabrewtis 518

@D4rthCaedus yeah man. All of those cards have potential, but ended up being cut during the process. The philosophy of getting down multiple Vehichles quickly really required the card draw. I wanted to make a deck focused largely on the big 6 cost ships. But found it to be struggling when you didn't open with one. If you're spending 5 resources on rise again or dark ritual that's 5 missing from dropping another ship. Rise again can only be used on Snoke as well, and he typically won't be the first target, nor did I have upgrades that take advantage of it.

So in the end the draw is in there as an effort to both mitigate bad mulligains, or enable continued bombardment after your opponent claims. As well as finding the salvo or sudden impact our action cheats when you need them. Well planned drawing enables a lot. For instance if you didn't start with any ships or cubes you can activate Thrawn like normal, get money like normal, but before activating Snoke start drawing up your hand to find cubes dark council or ships. Then activate Snoke with the found upgrades and take full advantage of turn one. Instead of rolling in both right away and drawing into cubes and simply equipping round 2.

Merlin 16

What do you do vs Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary discard, buffed with Snow? It can possibly ruin 2-3 turns for you while he's having a target drawn on Thrawn's head.

Palabrewtis 518

Great question, that's a tough matchup for almost anyone right now. Cad was a poorly designed character that enables a bit too much cheating, very similar to Sabine. He just never had a powerhouse pair to play with like Snoke.

That said, my experience tells me that getting your battlefield Docking Bay - Finalizer is going to be the only effective way to deal with having your hand discarded. This will also allow you to go first, enabling you to hopefully get his ambush upgrade via Thrawn activation. If you call 0 on round 1 to get their force speed, you will force them to upgrade with a 2 cost weapon only, leaving them no to pay for the 3 side or 2 without Truce. Leaving them more open to removal.

If by chance he does hit the discard with truce, you will be able to still claim the battlefield to pull supports back out of discard to the table. I hope that helps.

Palabrewtis 518

As an aside, this was a WIP deck and always up for healthy discussion on card choices. If you're still using the initial run of this deck I've made some adjustments that I've found to make it a little more consistent. Bare in mind you do want to keep a ship in your opening hand, as I've removed a little card draw. So you have less backup to fix a bad mulligan.

Currently running: -1 Salvo, +1 Sudden Impact, -1 Art of War, +1 Beguile, -2 Ancient Wisdom, +2 Overconfidence, -2 AT-DP, +2 Fang Fighter.