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zmanfarlee 19

Trying to make a Built to Last deck and this is where I am so far. Between Built to Last and It Binds you should have at least 4 upgrades and maybe more like 5 turn two. I let Yoda get money to get no less than two upgrades on Aayla before first roll out. Then when she dies everything transfers to Yoda and your opponent has been dealing with 6+ dice from turn one.

Not really sure on Force speed but it just seems to easy with these two. There are 10 unique upgrades so as long as two move two Yoda you should have money enough to have him rolling out 5 dice at least when he is the last player.

There are 9 mitigation cards but I really don't think you can dump much because you are basically trying to load up and slug early and then whoever can get a little extra time via mitigation should win.

The deck is extremely consistent with this pairing.

Welcome thoughts for optimization.
