Plo Koon/Padawans - Boise SC winner (7 players)

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Plo Koon/Padawans V1 3 3 4 1.0

Jason_SWGuy 104

After watching Eric Wainwright play Agent of Zion on the Artificery patreon section I thought this was finally the Padawan deck for me to jump into.

We only had 7 players (/tears), and I didn't have the toughest pairings, but after a few TTS tests and this SC, I think this deck should be on your radar.

Your goal is to play 3 weapons on R1 and have a 0 cost Event that is impactful. Against vehicles a CQA is what you want. Against an aggressive deck you ideally want Caution, but another 0 cost can work.

Ideally, I like playing Ancient on Plo. Since he has -2 (if no Pads have died) you can cycle and play another weapon -2. They may not be targeting Plo, but since he has 2 dice they may go after him first and this makes Ancient on him even better. His higher health also makes HC Light Bow a good one to play on him. In general, that upgrade is more suspect than others, but I like having another shield hate card you can pull for.

Finally, why not Fort Annex? Well, with squishy characters like Padawans I think taking damage to mitigate is less than ideal. I also made a meta call for Snoke/Cad (if they miss on initial cheat roll) and against big vehicle sides. In general, most people just avoid it too based on initial die sides.

In summary, this is hardly a murders row of a SC, but I think you need to have a plan against this deck. Especially if you are near the Tulsa area ;)

6 个回复

Erikk 1

Why the two ezras and only one shoto?

wiwwt 1

Ezra's lightsaber is the perfect round 1 card for this deck. 2 cost weapon with redeploy and good sides. I don't really like Shoto in this deck. Shoto is below the curve until you get a 2nd weapon on a character.The plan is not to double up on weapons until at least your 4th weapon. Also it doesn't have redeploy, which is a big drawback on padawans (but the same can be said of vibro and rey's staff). But we just need so many 2 drop weapons (if you want to run the deck aiming for 3 weapons round 1). That said, I haven't polished my list yet. And Jason has made some changes here, With more playing he might end up disliking double Ezra's.

I can confidently say that the top 3 2 drop weapons for this deck are 1x Ezra's and 2x Ancients. After that I can see a case for vibro, rey's staff, shoto, extra ezra's, crafted, or stun baton.

Erikk 1

Ezras has better damage numbers than shoto, but not better damage types. Shoto is all melee, while Ezras has melee, range, and special. You have a good chance of requiring a whole separate action to resolve it's damage.

Jason_SWGuy 104

You are typically slower to max damage anyways. It is not a concern.

I did run this at another SC tonight—no changes. I got a 1st round bye (9 players). Then beat Rex 2x Clone troopers. Then beat Talzin/Palp1. Then played Dennis in the final—rematch from Sat, but he was on mill this time.

I lost and fell to third. I got milled for 9 first turn, rolled mediocre, and maybe should have gone for Yoda before Cassian? Still it was a pretty convincing loss.

I still think Shoto is the weakest weapon, but it is 2 cost as WIWWT points out. I think there are other options, but I just didn’t get a chance to change anything yet. The 2 Ezra is less than ideal, but the redeploy makes it worth the rock of drawing two (I think). I do like the idea of Stun Baton though, and if you expect Kylo adding another Gray is probably great. A crafted LS is just so much less impactful R1 that it gives me pause, but that next turn it would do work. I will say light bow has been ackward. Could Luke’s saber be better? I’m not a huge fan of Obi’s in this. If you REALLY expect Kylo a Vibrosword could be another option, but it has the worst 3 drop sides.

The deck is still very competitive, but a few more tweaks are probably in order.

Alchmst1259 1

Have you considered using Cargo Hold - Eravana for your battlefield? Looking at making a very similar deck right now, and I was considering the Cargo Hold because you could use it to move a saber off Plo and onto one of the Padawans, freeing him up for a second saber at -2 cost, maybe even a third or fourth if you can keep claiming and moving them over.

wiwwt 1

The general problem with the "good" battlefields is that you are just so slow to claim. There are a handful of vehicle match-ups where you can claim regularly. The problem in the rest of the match-ups you won't. And worse than that letting them cargo hold you can be pretty bad.They can pull a dice off the table, or switch a weapon over to the character that is about to die. Fort Annexes, has been different because there are many decks that don't really use the powerful guardian ability when they get it. Also, you get value on round 1 (when it is arguably the most important). If not for fort annexes, I'd probably be running a do nothing battlefield like secret facilities. However, it is possible I should just join the theed train. 1 resource on round 1 is a pretty big deal, even if they get it round 2,3 and 4.