12 Person Tournament: 2nd Place (Competitive Villian Vehicle

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JediConsular4hire 72

This has been my favorite deck since the release of Wotf.

Abusing Piett’s ability is the name of the game. Roll in the storm troopers first, then flip their dice to resources for constant money generation. This strategy, paired with cards like Truce, Logistics, Testing Procedure, and Delve make any vehicle playable from your hand at will.

When I first built this deck I was concerned about resources, I originally had 2 Well-Connected. After I realized how much money the storm troopers generate, I got rid of them and actually added a few devastating 2 cost events.

Salvo played on on of LR1K Sonic Cannon sides can do a ton of damage, just leave greedo Unactivated for the free resolution.

Crush the Rebellion is probably replaceable. It does do two great things for you though, removes a die, and deals damage which is obviously the win condition of a vehicle deck.

Flanking Maneuver is probably my favorite card in the deck (next to planetary bombardment). I was able to beat an eLuke/eRey deck with this card alone. Highly underrated imo. A Deploy Squadron followed by this card can be absolutely devastating. You have suddenly dealt 6 damage to an opponents character, and now have 6 vehicle dice in your pool.

I had very close games in the tournament, and was hard countered by a guy running Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch that got out 2 early force-throws and threw my Planetary Bombardment die at me before I could resolve it. He shut down my vehicles everytime that special side was showing.

Other than that this deck felt very strong, and it is a lot of fun to play. I have beaten Hero Vehicle, Rainbow Hero Mill, eLuke/eRey, Kylo Pryce, eRex 2 clone troopers, and more with this deck. Yet somehow I haven’t seen anyone use this character combination. It works!

I’m sure someone can build a better deck with this archetype, (I usually open boxes, never really buy singles, so I just hope for the best in my packs and build decks based on whatever I pull). Just thought I would share. Let me know what your thoughts are!

8 个回复

Yellowjacket 1

Not much removal. Do you just rely on a high health pool to get you through? What about Aftermath?

the BEAST 1128

Why so many one-of? Is it because you only own one copy of the card (e.g. Planetary Bombardment, Hailfire Droid Tank)? Also I would 100% add The Best Defense...

JediConsular4hire 72

@Yellowjacket Yes, I rely heavily on the 30 health of the characters. With 2 Pinned Down and 2 He Doesn't Like You (plus the one oppressive Crush the Rebellion) I have found that it is enough removal to handle the biggest dice threats on the board when necessary.

The health is really what keeps the deck alive though. I usually distribute indirect to greedo, and force him to die on my terms when I can roll his character die and resolve it twice in the same turn. Once you utilize the storm trooper/Piett money making strategy, after a couple rounds you no longer need the characters, they are there to just soak up damage while the vehicles do the damage work.

JediConsular4hire 72

@the BEAST That’s exactly it. I just don’t have second copies of those cards. Otherwise I would certainly run 2 Planetary Bombardment and 2 Hailfire Droid Tank for sure. I agree that The Best Defense... would be very solid in this deck, but again I just don’t have that card.

Ramin2-D2 550

maybe add some more removal? Flank? Outnumber? Battle Fatigue?

JediConsular4hire 72

@Ramin2-D2 Everyone seems to agree it needs more removal. I will probably throw in 2 Outnumber. Maybe lose the deploy squadron and imperial war machine?

Also when the new set drops, I will most definitely drop greedo and all yellow cards for another storm trooper (3x resource), more removal, and 4 tie-fighters.

Ramin2-D2 550

@JediConsular4hire. i think keeping Greedo is worth it for damage and yellow. i used to run this deck as 1× Trooper, 1x Greedo, 1x Cienna, 1x Nightsister. but i like your version with Piette for auto-focus

JediConsular4hire 72

@Ramin2-D2 Yes, the auto focus is really the main feature. I prioritize the resources, but it can also be used to dish out more damage on the 1 ranged side. If you’re playing against yellow hero, Just flip to one of each to avoid the Easy Pickings. It’s great to not worry about blank sides on the troopers. If they roll the free 2 ranged, great, keep it, if they roll anything else it really doesn’t matter after you activate Piett.

The ability to manipulate dice in this game is so strong in my opinion.