Mad Rex

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
Derived from

Schmitty 14

Red/x Vehicles!

  1. Play defensively. Use all your mitigation and control first.
  2. If they claim, roll in Rex. If they pass until you roll in rex and then claim, just keep playing(under the assumption you have control of the battlefield) and pass consecutively to simply end the action phase.
  3. Play Vehicles! Use Weapons Factory Alpha and Tech Teams to reduce the costs by up to 3.

Mulligan for Tech Teams, 2-drop vehicles(T-47 Airspeeder, Resistance Crait Speeder, Modified HWK-290), and mitigation.

Hold on to Flanking Maneuver until it can effectively kill a character.

C-3PO is amazing. Turn ARC-170 Starfighter's 3 , or Resistance Crait Speeder's 2(3 if you damage it) to a . Use it on Y-Wing or Rose to use the special, and turn any die into a or two.

Rose - Skilled Mechanic works well with Modified HWK-290 and Resistance Crait Speeder. Rex - Clone Captain works with Weapons Factory Alpha - Cymoon 1 and unlocks Defensive Position, Dug in, and Superior Position.

Dug in and First Aid are great in this deck, increasing the life span of a 28-health line-up.

I really wanted to include a Long-Term Plan in this deck, but the initiative was too low with a mean of 2.83. It's imperative to grab the Weapons Factory, so ditching LTP for a second Rex die increased the average initiative score to 4. To assist Rose, use Special Modification.

A different option would be including Rally Aid. Add a Tactical Aptitude if you're feeling it to help filter through your deck. I did not go this route because I don't own Rally Aids. No Rex's Blaster Pistols because it's not needed since you have no intention of rolling out your dice and resolving them before your opponent. Mend can replace Special Modification if you feel like you have enough money most games to support it.
