Yoda/Anakin/Cassian - Post UK Nationals list (7th in Swiss)

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jmoss 39

This is the list that I would now run following the UK Nationals. This is based on the list that finished 7th in the Swiss (out of 102) and ended up 9th overall (losing to winner Greg Pike in the Top 16). It beat the mill mirror twice in Swiss. This list was based on the excellent Hyperloops list which stormed Gencon. It is also tweaked to reflect my play style, so I am not saying it is the best version of this list.

The list I ran at UK Nationals only had one copy each of Rebel and Hyperspace Jump and I believe you need two of these - especially due to the prevalence of Snoke using his power action on a discard side. I would also now swap in Rend for Vandalize - as the most troublesome card is Chance Cube. A recurring Ancient Lightsaber is easier to deal with as removing from the deck is easier than from the hand due to their ability to wait to activate their characters (i.e. you roll out to threaten the discard, they roll out another character without a Chance Cube and you can't pass because if you do they will pass and end the round). Two Hyperspace Jump also help deal with Chance Cubes. I would also now play one copy of Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder instead of Friends in Low Places because there are not that many events you want to discard - as pulling their mitigation doesn't massively help you, generally let them play that. I would much rather strip out their upgrades or scary supports.

I would also go with only one copy of Hidden Motive as with so much focus being around, leaving the dice in the pool is not as effective as other removal, and with two copies of Rebel you can play Entangle and Beguile multiple times.

Patience is very useful in the mirror match as it allows you to squeeze out three or four mill of the deck and then claim to keep ahead in the tempo. It is also a way to deal with a recurring Ancient Lightsaber late game if you roll out one dice; as by that point Clandestine Operation may be offline due to its spot requirement.

War-Torn Streets - Jedha is chosen instead of Imperial Palace - Coruscant because the way to beat this deck is to play on the mill player's battlefield. This leaves Anakin without any shields and means you can claim early to strip any good cards from their hand. Losing Second Chance or Hyperspace Jump to your own battlefield feels awful.
