Why you half be mad?! ets only game?!

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Funnyguy2112 8

Hi thank you ahead of time for reading. This is the first deck I've ever published so sorry if it appears to be a little rough. I've been playing since spirit of rebellion released pretty consistently both irl and on tts so I'd consider myself a veteran but am still always learning and being a victim of the latest the meta can throw at me. I hope this helps newer players most of all!!

This has become my favorite deck to play in the current (snoke)meta, especially on TTS where snoke is in every deck bag you'll see your opponent take out.

The deck plays very smoothly and is a very straight forward aggro deck with a good amount of disrupt and discarding which imo is very important to have in today's meta. Its a lot of fun to play for both new and veteran players and can give any deck a hard time if you understand their weaknesses. It's also a thematic character pairing which is hard to make and stay competitive.

With Count Dooku - Darth Tyranus ability, you'll be doing very consistent damage to your opponent due to his dice always showing melee. The main strategy is to put as many upgrades on dooku and roll him out multiple times in a round, up to 3 times if you play your cards right. Your first hand should consist of at least one 2-cost upgrade, Ancient Lightsaber and Electrostaffs are what you're mainly looking to get, keep one Leadership so you can increase the chance of rolling dooku out at least twice round 2. Force speed is also a good upgrade to have in your first hand to help you claim.

Probe is amazing in this meta with all the expensive mitigation being played so don't forget to play it before you roll out Dooku. Nothing feels better than watching your opponent discard a Beguile before you roll out. One of the best combos to pull off late game is Tactical Mastery into Grand Entrance on Dooku. This has been a game winner whenever I could get both cards in my hand and I have a couple upgrades on Dooku which happens very often.

The thing that makes this deck shine is Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy with a Blockade plot instead of running him elite. This drastically hurts vehicle decks and I just a thorn in anyone side. This stops a lot of early game shenanigans by most decks and keeps the pressure on with Nute Gunray - Separatist Viceroy ability. You only roll him in about 60%-70% of the time so it doesn't make sense to have him elite, but at 8 points and taking into account him already having a pretty strong ability, his die is wonderful for what it adds to the overall deck synergy. You'll be seeing opponents target him which is exactly what you'll want especially since he's going to be sacrificed with The Price of Failure. You usually want to The Price of Failure round 3 or later, but play it round 2 if it's going to win you the game. As a general rule, I like to wait till my opponent claims or if I know he doesn't have mitigation to roll out Dooku a second or third time to make sure his dice are safe.

Comm Tower - Scarif is the perfect plot to play due to the lack of decks in the meta with plots. Your opponent usually never benefits from claiming other than going first so always try to take your battlefield. The only thing I don't like about it is that is takes away from the theme of the deck.

I would not consider this a top tier deck in any meta so don't think this deck will have you placing top 4 at Nationals. I'd place it just below though due to how consistently it wins against top tier decks, Snoke - Supreme Leader, Yoda - Wizened Master, Battle Droid, Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor all have a hard time with this deck because it targets their weaknesses and halts them from ramping up quickly.

Where this deck gets cool points is how thematic it is to play. The character pairing makes perfect sense thematically, most upgrades you could see Count Dooku using, and the plot fits perfectly minus the art. The main reason I like this deck so much is that it feels more like a villian deck more than any other villian deck I've played, and I love me some bad guys. It's high aggro which is what villians do best, it attacks your opponents resources as soon as the game starts which is something you expect a villian deck to do but rarely do you see, and it can make your opponent throw away important cards they needs in order to win. It can leave your opponent with no hope of winning which happens often based on how many times I've had an opponent scoop. Ive had the typical experiences of people on tts flipping tables, disconnecting, raging and being salty in chat, but this deck brings it out the most from typical Snoke - Supreme Leader meta slaves. Let the hate flow through you and enjoy the anger and rage you will create playing this deck.

Thanks again for reading!! Let me know what you think in the comments.


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