Duel of the Fetts

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Derived from
Duel of the Fetts 1 0 1 2.0

Taelorn 4

Modified version of a Fett-themed deck to play a bit faster and incorporate new upgrades. Relby-V10 Mortar Gun instead of Flame Thrower, and trimmed to fit Vibrocutlass. Safer Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta instead of Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin - haven't decided which I like yet. The chamber is great if I can hold it, but worried it'll hurt if I can't take it. Also added All In to try to have a combo with quick draw and infamous.

2 个回复

Ramin2-D2 550

ElectroShock. also why no other ambush weapons?

Taelorn 4

I don't own Electroshock but am hoping to get it soon - what would you suggest replacing to fit it if I pick it up?

I wanted to add Hidden Blaster, but it's for a themed casual tournament and I'm trying to stay 100% yellow upgrades/supports. I don't own X-8 Night Sniper. I made some other changes but forgot to publish them since I didn't know you have to republish with each change. swdestinydb.com