The Fast and the Furious

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Derived from
Savage Fett 6 5 0 1.0
10 个回复

ABK123 349

I would be so happy if this deck succeeded in this sets meta. I hope it does.

Scorpio Bandito - GDP 347

@ABK123 That’s my hope to haha I like playing anti-Meta and I love me some Jango, last year I made Top-16 at FFG’s Regional with eJango/ Kylo Tormented One During the dreaded Rey/ Poe Meta, and honestly only thing that kept me out of top 8 cut was a missplay in the last round of game 6 when I forgot to use Jango ability to activate haha I like the idea of my characters just throwing their dice out and being Aggro as hell, and maybe getting a clutch Free-For-All play from it to close the game

Piffo 67

One problem I have with this charachter combination is the fact that charachter dice can be mitigated pretty easily. without flooding the board, this deck might face unhappy times :D

anyways, off to...the testing! nice idea!

Patpatine 195

I agree, but I love the anti-meta attitude and this deck has nailed it, but I've played with Jango, and one thing that really helps is Fast Hands. Still a fantastic deck. Keep up the good work.

salaciouscrumb 34

Would Boba be better here? You can then use his 2 melee side with Savage's +2 side. You can also use his special with Savage's 3 melee side and the Crafted +3 side which could be quite brutal.

Patpatine 195

@salaciouscrumb I don't think so, cuz Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary is a lot faster with his ability, and once he gets upgrades, it makes your opponent reluctant to even activate a character.

cjnj193 265

how is Crafted Lightsaber doing? I really dislike the restriction but if the character is sticking around for awhile I guess its okay. Also Gaffi Stick does not feel awful here for some redeploy and Crossguard Lightsaber or Treasured Lightsaber might be decent in this style of deck too

Scorpio Bandito - GDP 347

@cjnj193 I think Crafted Saber gets its best out of decks like this, where Savage is always gonna roll out before you can play an upgrade on him, and since he’ll always be exhausted before you get something on him, crafted for 2 resources is a way better die than any other two-cost stick

Scorpio Bandito - GDP 347

@salaciouscrumb I actually thought about a Savage/ Boba Deck before this, but I think right now 7th Sister is just a better pair for Boba. After rotation I’m definitely gonna be testing Savage/ Boba tho cuz I think it could be amazing then

Scorpio Bandito - GDP 347

@salaciouscrumb I actually thought about a Savage/ Boba Deck before this, but I think right now 7th Sister is just a better pair for Boba. After rotation I’m definitely gonna be testing Savage/ Boba tho cuz I think it could be amazing then