Poe Han aggro

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Poe Han specials and guns 1 0 0 2.0

cjnj193 265

So Han Solo - Independent Hotshot is like Hondo Ohnaka - Respected Businessman except he actually deals damage late game. In addition the interaction with Poe's special and Improvised Defense I think is something that should be utilized more. Other then that special chaining is still very satisfying, so yeah.

For the weapons loadout I’m going with value of speed. No need for QuickDraw shinanigans when Poe Dameron's Blaster and BigAss cannon punch well over their weight class. I initially had Black Sun Blaster Pistol but Poe should be the first target in the matchup, making the redeploy pretty bad. Canto Bight Pistol and Jyn Erso's Blaster are the big redeploy weapons in the build, for special chains and value dice. I tried running Cunning in the deck but since most of the special chaining vibe is replaced by consistent ranged sides(thanks Han) X-8 Night Sniper is played instead. Final weapon slot is DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol because a free 3 damage side is good.

Other cards -

Improvised Defense - flex card, I like it because you can punish certain decks that rely on fixing pretty hard with a well timed resolution. The card also turns Poe’s special into hard removal as well which has its own pros and cons.

Friends in Low Places - since I’m not running QuickDraw I should probably try avoiding getting murdered by my opponent’s hand. Turns out having full knowledge of the game is really good

All In - pet card of mine, but it wins games when you get to play it, as most other people recognize.

Double-Cross because I’m scurd of Vader and sometimes han’s die can make you sad

BF removal package - we usually go pretty fast, might swap Dug in for Field Medic for more consistency.

Lastly Theed Royal Palace - Naboo is really busted. Having 3 s every round really opens up what you can do. My only complaint isy oppening roll can be pretty sad with the double 0 sides. But seriously try the BF with a neutral character because it’s so dam good

That’s all now, any suggestions would be appreciated, Let’s go Poe Han!
