C’boath’s Replacement

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Luke_Skywalker 371

The purpose of publishing this deck is to analyze the strengths of the deck, and it’s weaknesses. I believe the field at the next major national event will be filled with counters to this deck. This is due to the deck’s dominance at the French Nationals. it is noteworthy that the nationals deck included Grand Moff. I find this a questionable choice, but I’m not the French national champion, so what do I know?


Thrawn - Master Strategist die sides are focus and resource heavy. Early game the hope is to resolve the resource sides to provide cash flow for larger turns especially in the early game. Thrawn’s ability- his activation ability plays well with cards that allow for hand knowledge, but I just try to guess what combo pieces or good mitigation my opponents might be playing and call numbers 0-2 on any given turn in an attempt to deny them their best pieces.

Snoke - Supreme Leader. Snoke is really played for 2 reasons. Primarily, his dice have lots of focus sides allowing for high consistency turns. secondly his Power action allows for early game ramp. Tons of money is created quickly.

BATTLEFIELD. Imperial Palace - Coruscant

This battlefield is especially punishing if you are playing Grand Moff. Being as we aren’t playing that card we took the battlefield to bluff the play and force opponents to give us shields. They cannot afford to give us that battlefield, I want the shields.

UPGRADES Force Speed: Free action cheating. This is a good card, but it could be cut in this deck. It also has a focus side that can be abused. I find the biggest advantage of this card is that it draws removal.

Force Illusion: Removal after the fact. Most games I’d rather have the health than a couple of cards off the top. it’s also reactionary, which makes it good.

Chance Cube Economy. better in this deck due to tons of Focus.


I’m starting with one that I didn’t include, but I see as one of the strongest supports available, that could have easily been included in place of likely Force Speed. Stifle even more tech against events could be a strong include.

AT-DP I’ve included this as counter tech against other TIE decks and it can also take out podracers, Stifle, Improvised Defense, and the like.

TIE Fighter: I love that these search each other out and get themselves into play early. This is a deck thinning mechanic that allows us to draw quickly into our other cards.

Hailfire Droid Tank: I want this card down turn 1, or at least before I start dropping ties. It provides a damage for every vehicle you play, and I love that.

Umbaran Hover Tank: Special tech against 3-wide. I included this because it’s almost like a repeatable V-1 Thermal Detonator. I won’t drop this down against 2 character decks. I’d sideboard it if that was an option.

Vader's Fist oh man, just play this card.


Beguile: This card is to control multiple dice. great for support decks also good against Vader, as long as you don’t use the removal on his character die.

Doubt: free removal of a bad side. I actually include this for Vader, because it requires you to resolve a less than optimal side.

Hidden Motive: Free removal again.

Mind Trick: multiple dice removed.

Overconfidence: reroll and removal

Pinned Down: easily fulfilled condition remove a problem die.

Deck Weaknesses: Jyn/Cassian can remove lots of cards off the top. and can remove problem pieces. against melee decks call 0 with Thrawn - Master Strategist, and try to hit Friends in Low Places or Close Quarters Assault. you need to protect your hand.

Choke Decks: protect your resources and remove dice that can take away your resources. potentially Tobias Beckett, Hondo, and Leia could be difficult match-ups.

4 个回复

Henslesax 73

What are your thoughts on Force Lift ? Would that be a good replacement to the AT-DP since it has focus, double chance of special and better special than that vehicule ? Sure it's blue only, but if your opponent focus Snoke - Supreme Leader first it's already as good as won :D

Luke_Skywalker 371

That’s a good thought about Force Lift, I am not sure. I feel like bouncing isn’t as good as discarding initially, and it might actually be better to play Imperial Inspection than either choice. But it seems like an odd include as it doesn’t include a die.

Henslesax 73

Sorry i just re-read myself, the special isn't stronger but more flexible. Discarding is of course better, but this one feels less specific. Imperial Inspection is only working on 2 cost upgrades though.

Luke_Skywalker 371

Yeah, I wasn’t thinking about the damage option. Force Lift could go in that slot. I’m not sure that it would make a huge difference, and it doesn’t synergize as well with Pinned Down, or Hailfire Droid Tank. So there are ups and downs.