Greedo on Command Pré-nacional

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2 个回复

StaticCat 40

I really like your deck, however, if I were you I'd take out 1 LR1K Sonic Cannon and the Sebulba's Podracer and add 2 Hailfire Droid Tank this way it'll maximize your damage sides and if you happen to roll a blank on the Podracer it returns to your hand and you can play it again doing another indirect with the Hailfire Droid Tank.

demorenan 30

Nice idea! I just put the Sebulba's Podracer to help Friends in High Places and have more vehicles in field. This is a modification of my deck that got a 2nd place in a SC of 17 players. Didn't put the Hailfire because i don't have in real life. But i will test it.