You Under Estimate My Power

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Derived from

Atomisk 18

So this started a desire to maximize Force Rend but turned into a sorta solid deck. The basic concept of the deck is make all the money you can in Blue, blow up your opponent's best cards with Force Rend.

Rend is amazing because it hits almost every threat in the meta right now, since unlike a lot of other tech'd removal right now it can hit both Upgrades and Supports. Sick of fat vehicles? Blow up the vehicle to take it out AND it's mods! Don't have the money, blow up the R2 Astromech that's about to reset it(for free)! Vader's Fist getting you down? You can rid of it too. Sick of good ol' regular upgrades like Force Speed, Force Illusion, & Second Chance? I think you can see where I'm going with this.

Now as great as it sounds you do need a bit of set up and the rends have to go unmitigated for you to do this but usually it's easier than it may sound. Getting Rend itself out is pretty easy thanks to Sith Holocron. Snoke's focus ensures you can usually get to it's special sides, letting you roll a rend or another blue ability out for a single resource. You can also get it out for free off a Rise Again, but usually you want it out asap. Worst case scenario you can play it turn 1 after a theed action, but it looses a lot of the luster then(since you won't have resources to feed it).

Luckily resource generation in this is pretty simple: You have 4 main avenues to generate resources in the deck.

-Torment on Anakin(or even Snoke in a pinch) lets you turn Snoke's power action into an enrage every turn. Even if you don't have a holocron, as long as you take damage you can transition it into a reduction for a Force Rend since it will pay for itself and can still be overwritten.

-Enrage is an old card that doesn't see much play these days, and with a health pool as shallow as this I was hesitant to run it but this deck can heal for days(thanks to Rise Again and Darth Vader's Meditation Chamber)) so it's been part of the plan. It also has added synergy with Torment in that it turns a torment into 2 resources for one damage and you can still overwrite the Torment if you want.

-Snoke - Supreme Leader's power action on a Anakin resource side might seem rare(he only has 1 side) but it worked for Thrawn so I go for it. Plus with a Torment you gain 4 resources for a single power action.

-Theed Royal Palace - Naboo is the best battlefield in the game right now. We run it not just cause it's standard but also cause Anakin Skywalker - Conflicted Apprentice is neutral and can take full advantage of it. With Anakin it's like you have 3 resources a round. We even run Taking Ground to ensure you win the roll off for since the deck's chances can sorta depend on it. Now some decks can out speed us after, but usually we're pretty fast outside of decks like Biggs but turning off Drop In by getting our battlefield is enough that it's still worth it.

So generally you have tons of resources and you use rend to blow stuff up with them. For the matches that don't run upgrades or supports as much(Such as "Naked" vader) or matches that you've already destroyed all their stuff the plan is to Rise Again into a Force Throw, Force Wave, or Force Lightning to really push your own Damage. For mill, Vader's Meditation chamber can keep you going a while but that can be a rough match up if they mill straight from their character dice(Like Yoda/Leia2 or something) but you can switch off of resource gen dumps on Rends then to open up more upgrades.

Any questions? While the list isn't perfect(Force Choke is a card I was trying as soft removal for Darth Vader - Terror To Behold to be honest, not sure it's a keep yet) I think this deck has a lot of potential. Hope you enjoy! :D
