Wulff Finds a Partner

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nez477 134

A quick aside before I talk about the deck:

I went to my first ever regionals this weekend. My 9-year old went 4-3 and was close to the top cut (4-2 after 6). I... only won one game with a jank deck that I switched to the last minute that I thought could do well against mill. I changed my whole strategy because of mill. sigh I took a Wulff/Beckett/Crime Lord/BuyOut deck that was designed to beat Vader and mill. I instead lost to aggro all day (and I lost to one mill and one vader deck, both of which were super close).

I should've brought something I knew would be competitive like Beckett/Ciena Firespray. Or maybe, this. It's super fun and actually seems good in my playtesting.


I've been working for the last month to make Wullf Yularen - ISB Colonel competitive. I feel that the open knowledge and ability to really mess with mitigation events is underrated in this meta. Sure, turn one you don't usually get much out of it but even in turn one you can see if you are dealing with mitigation or not to drive whether or not to play cards like Probe or Friends in Low Places. You also can make some really important plays like getting rid of a Vader's Fist with Questioned Loyalty turn 1. Your opponent has some difficult decisions to make because I almost always roll in Wulff first and if there are discard sides in play, what are you going to do? In general having open information is really refreshing to how I want to play.

So with open information, I wanted to figure out a partner or strategy that would be best with Wulff's focus sides when I know there is no mitigation. Kylo Ren - Tormented One had already been done so I didn't want to do that. So I started looking at points and saw that Qi'Ra - Street Savvy's points may work.


Looking at the dice sides, I figured this was a great candidate for a FiHP deck. If I know that my opponent has no mitigation, I can use Wulff's double focus side to just turn 2x Qi'ra to the 3r side and all I need on the other Wulff die is a 1. So that started the idea of having some big vehicles and whatnot, but the real aha moment was as I was looking at the hero cards and remembered Rebel. I had seen Rebel in a couple of the Han Solo - Independent Hotshot/Qi'Ra - Street Savvy decks, and this is much better with so many discard sides. I can play Friends in High Places BACK TO BACK without any concern of mitigation on many turns due to Rebel. The ramp up is nuts when this happens. Sure you blank here and there but the opportunity to really get incredible things out quickly seemed fun.

And then came the Planned Explosion add. You can use Rebel on that too. And when I started testing, I realized that I can very easily have 15-16 value showing on my dice by turn 2. FiHP to either an AT-ST or Planetary Bombardment, play a couple TIE Fighters or a Hound's Tooth and you have tons of dice with tons of value and damage possible.

So when I looked at the power of Rebel plus Friends in High Places and Planned Explosion, that's when I really started to love this thing.


I started with 2x AT-ST and 2x Planetary Bombardment. They are planned explosion/FiHP gold. I tinkered for a bit with the rest though. For a while I was playing with 2x X-8 Night Sniper and 1x Donderbus Blaster Pistol as I wanted some quick dice for FiHP when I activated Qira. But that's not as good as the Tie Swarm I don't think. The Tie has the exact same sides as the Donderbus and can of course grab more Tie Fighters which is super valuable. Sure the X-8s have better sides, but they go away when the character dies whereas the vehicles stay. Hound's Tooth is a fun opening vehicle to have for FiHP and/or Planetary Bombardment due to the 3 and 4 sides. And honestly getting that 3 shield side can be pretty nice. Hailfire Droid Tank could be a Fang Fighter I suppose (as it has a discard side that would be helpful) but if you can start with a Hailfire the damage can really pile up. Senate Chamber is a recent add instead of Slave I as I wanted a bit more consistency and it costs 2 vs. 3. And its awesome for turning opponents dice.


I won't talk tons about the rest of the build, but what happens when you blank on the FiHP in your opening hand. Well, Tie Fighter swarms and Chance Cubes and Separatist Landing Crafts all work. The Separatist Landing Crafts may seem like a bit of a janky add, but really with the ability to manipulate dice and not worry about mitigation much, it's pretty great. And, you can Rebel it back, ha.

I count Questioned Loyalty and Probe and Friends in Low Places on the same field and I only want 4 of them. I decided on two probes for when you know your opponent has events in his hand and then split between the FiLP and Questioned Loyalty as they both serve nice purposes. Sometimes FiLP is preferred so I can get a pre-peek at my opponents hand and sometimes Loyalty is clutch to get rid of a key card post-peek.

I only have six mitigation cards and I'm waffling on them. 2x Entangle seems best given that I can get resources decently well, but the rest I waffle on. I don't want too many spot yellows as Qi'Ra - Street Savvy is first targeted almost always, hence only one Easy Pickings. Imposing Presence has a nice 2-removal possibility in some cases if I've been doing some discarding, but Pinned Down is more consistent. The Best Defense... is included as a 1-of for mill and Snoke contests, but maybe that needs to go...


I've only been playing it for a week but I'm 14-7 with it thus far. It has done great against most 2-wides other than mill. It struggles a bit against Snarkin and the Firespray but it's competitive.

And fun. And that's what the game is all about right? Really having regret of not taking this to regionals, and it likely won't get a chance to shine at anything as it will rotate out soon. But I'm proud of finally finding something that makes Wulff competitive.

2 个回复

P0em 381

I’m ready to work on this deck with you and put my passion into it. When you start talking about Deja Vu and Rebel with Friends in High, I get all giddy at the possibilities.

nez477 134

@P0emha, lets do it. This deck is so freaking bonkers fun.... I haven't really had a "bad" setup yet, and when the FIHP/Rebel combo goes it is nuts