Bounty Bros

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nonameface 197

A couple of quick notes and ideas as I was putting this together

A few cards I had a hard time cutting, you might want to consider them if you like them better than any other card I included:

Hidden Blaster -- Solid 2-drop, guns are fine in this mixed deck. No redeploy got it cut when I had to cut down to 30 cards. Consider it if you like it.

Electroshock -- Basic removal, easy to find a spot especially with streetwise potentially making it free. Cut it though when I needed to cut down. Include it if you dont like the situational removal like Shakedown.

In The Crosshairs -- Cut it out during the cut down. Expensive weapons and a few with pay sides made it so I wasn't sure I could afford this reliably. Streetwise makes it easier. Include it if you like a big blowout play removal against a greedy opponent that rolls everything out.

Take Flight -- I like this card but just cut it to make room. Consider it if you want a little more offense potential.

Cards I'm unsure of:
Enticing Reward -- This feels a bit win more, if you're dropping their characters you don't usually need more upgrades and continued ramp but there are only just a few bounties in this set so we need to include them all so we can drop them to turn on Dengar - Ruthless Tracker's ability (and his Dengar's Fire Blade).

Bounty Board -- I like tutor cards but I just dont like the bounties enough to have to pay to tutor them out with something like this. 6 bounties seems like enough that you'll draw them often enough (and you really dont care which one you get mostly since they're just turning on your other cards). Getting their effect when you kill someone is just bonus.

Assassin Droid -- seems alright, 3 cost, die with guns, and a ping damage every round. This should be considered if you find you need just a little more damage to get over the hump (and you find yourself having the extra resources.)

Punishing One -- Fits the theme, spots dengar. You might get a bonus activation out of it occasionally. If you like having a few supports that stick around better than upgrades I might consider this.

Theed Royal Palace - Naboo -- even after the nerf I think this is still the best battlefield we can take. I'm not 100% sure here but it seems like a safe bet. The other choice is probably Military Camp - Kaller

Questions / comments?

All discussion is appreciated. Anything I obviously overlooked or should consider?

2 个回复

Darth_Joe0822 115

I would consider using Near Miss instead of Prey Upon. You'd be able to remove that die before you place a bounty on them, since they're both bounty hunters.

nonameface 197

@Darth_Joe0822 That is definitely an option. You lose out on being able to play it for 'free' with Streetwise though, and it may be less useful in the mid game if you've lost a character.

Other considerations could be something like Electroshock but I think I would stay in yellow for the resource economy with Streetwise