Budget deck Aggro using 2x Legacies Hero Starter.

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Raspujuan 397

The main idea of this deck is looking for an easy way to start playing Destiny with a chance of a win. Other of the principal topics are not afraid the users to had a medium competitive deck without expending a big amount of money.

How much is the cost of this deck?

  • You need: 2x legacies hero starters around 15€ each.
  • 15 cards come from the starter.(2 from the character, 1 from the battlefield and 12 deck cards)
  • 2x easy pickings around 3€ each.
  • 2x treasured lightsaber 2€ each.
  • 2x Enfys marauders 1€ each. the other cards cost is around 0,3€ - 0,7€ each
  • 14 cards x 0,5€ = 7€

More or less: 50€ deck.


Orffme 71

I love budget competitive decks! Keep it up