Padmé and Friends

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Padmé and Friends 0 0 0 2.0

Caboose2630 79

Thought I’d try my hand at a hero deck for once . I pulled a Padmé Amidala - Resolute Senator out of my box and I just like the card. Great dice and ability and only 14 to elite, so I figured why not. I added L3-37 - Droid Revolutionary because Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship is such a big part of the deck, and having a character that becomes a vehicle mod when they die is pretty cool. Playing Decoy helps put damage on L3-37 - Droid Revolutionary and away from Padmé Amidala - Resolute Senator. My battlefield (Salt Flats - Crait) helps me guarantee that dirty 3 focus on Padmé Amidala - Resolute Senator. Jedi Temple Guard because he has guardian, and I really wanted blue for draw purposes. Seeing as I’m NOT playing Armored Reinforcement, I figured having a few draw cards in the deck would help me dig to get Padmé Amidala's Royal Starship if I don’t end up with it in my opening hand after my mulligan. Impulsive is awesome because it lets you resolve a focus die with ambush, All In pretty much does the same thing. Chance Cube for money, Target Acquired is great for turning indirect into direct damage, Force Illusion and Field Medic are to keep Padmé Amidala - Resolute Senator alive for as long as possible. And that’s pretty much the deck. A few mitigation cards, thats the one thing I’m iffy on. I think I need more, but I need to figure out what to lose for more mitigation.
