Death Watch [theme deck]

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Derived from

PalpShuttle 147

This deck is inspired by the later seasons of The Clone Wars, where Maul gains command of Pre Viszla's Death Watch. I used the battlefield Deathwatch Hideout - Concordia for theme, but Theed Royal Palace - Naboo might serve your purposes better.

As for upgrades used, I went with ones with higher sides to support Maul's power action, and Niman Mastery for consistency. Resilient and Retribution are to discourage hard removal of Maul's dice. It Binds All Things is to help pay for the blue upgrades, but with that and Stifle, I am unsure to keep, to make room for more upgrades or better mitigation.

Armor Plating might nake it's way in to proc the Mandalorian Super Commando PA, and to move damage off Maul.

As far as dice mitigation, I put in as much 0-cost as possible, with the exception of Doubt, as it has screwed me before.

Please let me know your thoughts!
