Wattos henchman

可能性: 0% – 0% 更多
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Wattos henchman 0 0 0 2.0

Beastbeast 100

Weird little deck here. Seeing if Pulse Cannon can carry a team. Also hoping to make some mooooooooney.

Game 1: Yoda2/Ahsoka2- ended up getting 3 pulse cannons on marauder by round 3. Had a pretty great PA on 1 of the Pulse cannons (3x 2 for 1 ranged side) to finish off yoda at start of round 4. Did not look promising early on, as there were tons of shields to eat through. I just kept mitigating and moving forward. Player was not very good though, made some significant errors IMO.

Game 2: Maul/Executioner- Went to round 4 again... I had 2 damage on Executioner and 9 damage on maul when Maul PA into the win, killing both my marauders. Didn't draw any pulse cannon till round 3. Both easy pickings were not draw and an entangle also not drawn (as well as a few more mitigation cards). Basically just couldn't hold back the damage. Think if I could have made it 1 more round (I know, rnd 5 like never happens) that I would have had em.
